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Hello and welcome to our website. I'm JAke and good friend of the beach crew. We of strandpunks are making this band because we have looked around us and say to each other god this world is a fuck policital prison of big business and wealthy assholes. This makes us mad so were going to go out a make a fucking statement! We of the beach crew he by declare that we are against you republician bastards, that only think about your god forsaken oil and money. We understand you are driven by greed and unjustice. We, as a couple of fuckin drunk puuunks, state that we are going to make a difference in this world. We plan on doing this by playing our hearts out in the punk rock scene and we say that this whole project is for our entertainment and just because were fuckin bored out of our minds and have nothing better to do so were going to go out get drunk and bitch at fuckin assholes liek you and we arent going to take you fucking shit! "WHAT A BUNCH OF FUCKING SHIT" and thats all it will ever be. patriotically, JAke
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