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Navagation Bar


You have found The Mad Spiker's HomePage.

Here is my personal site with things that interest me, if you don't like the content on this site, go someplace else. But if you are interested in finding out what I like, use the navigation bar on the left to go to the other pages.

Mike Dirnt; Green Day

What you can find on this site:

While checking out the site, you may see some really neat java scripts (like the navigation bar), I didn't steal the scripts, they are free to use. Click the | links | button to see some website's that have FREE java scripts. If you can't find the script, send me an e-mail with a description of the script you want and I'll send the HTML coding through e-mail.

Check out the favorites page to see some of my favorite (hence the name) TV shows, bands, ect. The java games page includes some relaxing games, take a break from surfin' to chill with these fun games! Enjoy!

Guttermouth trapped behind a fence




Last up-date: 6/13/03
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© 2003