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Welcome To Solus Gens

This Website is currently under construction


May 19, 2003- Updated alot. Added navigation,links page,pics page and a forum.

Still working on other things. I will eventually add new backrounds and such to make the site look more presentable.

As far as news goes, I havent been able to play very much latly. The only reason I am able to update this site is, I do it from work. I know a lot has happened recently. If someone could send me a news update with some pics that would be great :)

As far as I know, we are at war with WN and Des. They tried to bane our town but we were able to fight it off (need pics of this too). I wasnt able to be there so I dont know the details.

Also aparently there is some kinda FC event going on. I also no nothing about this(due to lack of playing). I will have an update on it as soon as I figure out WTF is going on. (yeah i should know whats going on). Well hopefully i can spend a lot of time on today. That is of course as long as the login servers work. Yesterday they didnt (at least for me). Well other then that no news, stay tuned !


May 13,2003- Just testing the new site. I know it looks like shit. Im new at HTML and just started today. Im going to add site navagation, links, a forum all that good stuff I just need some time.

If anyone has Pics from when we kicked the living shit out of WN the other night that would be great. Please send all pics or other news you would like to see posted to I have plans to make a lot of stuff soon, getting those pics from the fight would really help out.

As far as the forum goes, I should have that up and running by tommorow but I can't say for sure. Stay tuned.

