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min·ion [ mín-nyon ] noun
1. favorite: a favored person ( archaic )
2. servant: a servant or enslaved person ( archaic or literary )
[Early 16th century. From French mignon “darling” (see mignon).]

The M.I.N.I.O.N. full conversion cybernetic construct is a example of state of the art technology. The super-soldier, augmented by technology, has faster reflexes, incredible strength, deadlier accuracy, greater resistance to fatigue, integrated weaponry, and most importantly, lesser inclinations toward fear or doubt in combat.


Model:- X69-M.I.N.I.O.N. Cyborg Soldier

Primary Purpose:Assimilation-Assassination-Heavy Assault

Crew:One Human Volunteer

Height:8 Feet (2.4m)

Width:4 feet (1.2m)

Length:3 feet (0.9m)

Weight:1000 lbs (450kg)


Running:100 mph (160km) in normal mission gear/armor

Leaping:The Powerful cybernetic legs are capable of leaping up to 25 feet (7.6 m) high or lengthwise. A running jump adds 25 additional feet (7.6m)

Truster Assisted Leaps:Motion detectors in the feet indicate velosity and the moment when both feet have left the ground. At that instant the booster jets kick in, hurling the cyborg into a power leap 20 to 50 feet(6 to 15 m) into the air and that carries the wearer approximately 300feet(91.5 m) lenghtwise/forward or backwards.

Flying:Via jet pack optional equipment


Plasma Fusion Reactor:An equivalent level of superhuman endurance is provided by a fusion reactor mounted in the thorax cavity. Calculated life span 500+ years.


Cyberframe: Term for the chassis of the cyborg, the Cyberframe is comprised of the brain and spinal casing and all control i/o interfaces. The Cyberframe is essentially the basest part of the cyborg, to which augmentations and prosthesis are added. The hardware is the most sensitive part of a cyborg, in that it marks the area where flesh ends and prosthesis begins.

Artificial Muscle Transducers:The myomars (artificial muscles) are laid out so that they are in the same pattern of muscle of a normal person. Covering the real organic muscle is a tough layer of polymers and myomers which emulates a real musculature. When the cyborg moves the artificial muscles move and behave like the real thing,

A.I. Back up Brain:Cyberbrains are artificial brains used in AI machines, but the most interesting aspect of the cyberbrain is that of a supplemental brain for human use. When implanted in a cyborg, the cyberbrain acts as a supplemental brain, which processes data, in turn taking the workload off the brain. With a cyberbrain, a human being's mental capabilities are greatly augmented. One can think faster, react faster and even learn faster. Reading skills are greatly increased as the brain takes in pages of data at a time rather than word by word. The cyberbrain also allows a direct interface with computer networks where information can be acquired as fast as the computer can process data. The computer consists of a series of a half-dozen or more small sub-components which are fused to individual vertebrae of the spine(on the inner sides) in such away that they do not interfere with articulation. They are linked to each other and the organic brain by way of the spinal cord.

Full Skeletal Replacement:A subdermal cybernetic endoskeleton, in which the human skeletal structure and ligaments have been replaced. It gives the cyborg incredible strength across the entire body and allows him to lock their body into a state similar to rigor mortis whenever desired. The structure of the body is laid out in a similar pattern to a human skeleton and is constructed out of advanced lightweight composites

Bionic Heart:This synthetic heart/pump replacement gives increased stamina and general 'staying power'. Reduced fatigue accumulation. Chemicals can be added directly to the blood stream for enhancement or repair.

Non-centralized heart:Heart is replaced by many separate pumps placed strategically throughout the body. Same benefits as normal heart replacement, plus character cannot be killed by a 'shot through the heart'.

Bionic lungs with gas filtration/oxygen storage cell:Inverse fuel cell capable of reducing co2 to it's components with removal of the carbon and recirculate the oxygen. Also,a special chemical cell that stores oxygen from the character's normal breathing. Then, when oxygen is low, the oxygen is released back into the lungs. This gives the character the ability to go without breathing for up to 30 minutes. Recharges in one hour. The filtration system is designed to filter out most toxic gases before the enter the lung mechanism. The filter is effective against all types of tear gas, smoke, nerve gas, and purley chemical fumes.

Brain Casing:With a brain box, the bearer's brain is complete protected from physical damage. It is wrapped up in an extremely strong layer of metals and ceramics that will resist bullets, heat, cold and even a lack of oxygen (internal tanks will supply up to 24 hour of oxygen necessary to keep the brain alive).

Gills: Gill implants allow the character to extract oxygen from water. Gill implant place the gill slits on the sides of the ribcage.

Pain Receptor Cut Out:This alows the incoming signals of pain to be turned down or shut off completly to keep the user from going into shock and/or not be being able to focus mentaly on task at hand due to intence pain. The onboard computer will still monitor systems damage and alert the user of level of risk.

Food/Fluid intake/output:Via a shunt from the ureters to the venous circulation after removal or conversion of noxious substances. Intravenous or direct intragastic feeding could reduce fecal elimination to a minimum, and even this might be re-utilized.

Cardiovascular Control:Administration of drugs such as epinephrine, reserpine, digitalis, amphetamines, ect by means of a ROSE injector, changes the cardiovascular functions so as to fit them for a particular environment.

Gravitation:Body temperature control and other uses of pharmaceuticals will improve functioning under conditions of greater or lesser gravity than that on Earth.

Inertial Navigation System:This is an installed inertial positioning and navigation system. Provides a perfect sense of direction. The cyborg can tell whether he is traveling up, down, or straight, the angle of decline or ascent, how far above or below the surface he is, and the direction. The navigation system will display current magnetic bearing and will also show the bearing to any of other previously recorded positions.

Enhanced Reflexs:This is actually a series of implants which serve to increase the response time and sensitivity of the bearer's nerves. This results in slightly increased reaction time and hand-eye coordination. Redundant, superconducting pathways have been installed parralel to your nervous system, allowing quicker nervous responses.

Chemical Analysis System:Identifies simple & complex chemicals from a database of over 10,000 items. New items, including personal odours, can be logged and tagged, and later ID'ed with 95% accuracy. Can also be used to track.


Highly flexible limbs with attachments. Each tentacle has the strength of a normal human hand, and can be used for climbing, grappling, reaching through small openings, and hundreds of other uses.

Computer Jack: This is a socket is used to establish direct electronic contact between the human brain and electronic equipment. It allows the brain to receive and decode electronic data as well as transmit commands directly to linked equipment. When "jacked in" to machinery, using that machinery become easier.

Scorpion Sting: This is a tentacle witha stinger-like contraption on the tip of it. When the stinger strikes a oppenent it releases a energy discharge to shock and stun while it also injects a quick acting poison.

Sensor Array: Multi-Optic System. Flare protection, telescopic, low light, laser rangefinder. Can be used to look around corners or over objects. Provides range of vision behind cyborg.

Plasma Torch: Plasma cutting/welding torch, ran off main power supply. Will cut through most materials or weld metals.

Small Laser Gun: Laser capable of providing a cutting beam or pulse blast.

Gripping Hands/Grappling Claw & Climb Cord: This hand can be fired up to 20 meters in any direction, connected to the user's arm by means of a length of fine but extremely strong cable, which can be reeled in or out at will. The hand can function as a grappling hook wherever there is a hand hold capable of supporting it, and can be used to descend as well as ascend. The user has fine manipulative control of the hand while it is extended at the end of the cable, and can close and open the hand at will to grasp or release handholds.


Broad Spectrum: A Broad Spectrum option allows the cyborg to see in visual ranges beyond what the standard human eye can see. This includes seeing Ultraviolet light, which provides a kind of vision in dark, outdoor conditions. It also increases the bearer's ability to distinguish between colors, allowing him to discern between different objects more easily.

Light Amp: Light Amp permits the user to adjust light levels at will. This allows him to see in very minimal amounts of available light. The optic will also quickly compensate for flashes of bright light,strobe or flash effects that would otherwise render him blinded.

Magnification- Telescopic/Microscopic: With Magnification, the bearer can adjust his lens to either see very small objects (as if using a microscope) or to magnify objects in the distance (as if using a pair of binoculars). The optic will magnify small objects by 50x and far away objects by 10x.

Still/Video Camera: The camera option permits the bearer to use his eye as a kind of video and still camera. The images can be accessed at any point,uploaded to another location, and can be recorded over.

Weapons Link: These enhanced weapons ("smartguns") have electronics that transmit to their user their exact point of aim. Visible crosshairs will be displayed on the target through a Visual Overlay or Cybernetic Eye. A mental command activates the link and locks onto a target. Use of a smartgun with a weapon link adds a bonus when attacking. If a Reflex Unit is used in conjunction with a weapon link, the link is actually able to give instructions to the hand and arm, causing them to continually, and accurately, track the selected target. The bearer is then unable to control their arm until the targeting is deactivated.

Computer Link/HUD-Heads Up Display: A linked optic can display information transmitted from a computer via an internal modem or direct link (which is untraceable). This is useful to get a Heads-Up Display of data, maps, situation assessment, mission planning, system status , tactics, weapon targeting/aiming, radar, U.T.P.S. [universal-transdimentional positioning system}, assimilation information, ect ect ect and other important pieces of information. Same info-different view/perspective. Info from the right cyber sensors would also be projected on the left eye so he would have large fields of view covering full peripheral vision and substantial stereoscopic overlap. Real/Synthetic Fusion -- See-through HMD systems that allow fusion of the real and synthetic worlds, and synthetic environments that fuse high-fidelity visuals and low-fidelity physical models.

InfraRed Passive/Active: A beam of infrared light is projected either from forehead-mounted lights (in the hard version) or through the eye itself (in slick versions). Active infrared is a useful sensor at night, but will not penetrate smoke, dense fog, blowing sand, etc. It has a short range of 60 meters.The eye is extremely sensitive to infrared radiation and can "see" heat. Most living creatures and machines have very distinct heat signatures, while inanimate objects can usually be seen by the amount of heat that they absorb from the sun. Nevertheless, objects after sundown which have completely cooled off become almost invisible to passive IR. Unlike active IR, passive IR can see through most smoke and blown dust, but is rendered ineffective by rain or snow. It has a short range of 30 meters

Star Eyes: Star eyes use light-amplification techniques to allow normal vision in low light conditions (primarily nighttime using starlight, hence the name). Smoke, blown sand, and any sort of atmospheric conditions will interfere with star eyes. They have a short range of 120 meters.


Wide Frequency:This upgrade gives the bearer hearing that far exceed normal human ranges.

Broadband Receiver/Transmitter:With this addition, the character can use the implant to scan all unprotected cellular and radio waves.

Lauguage Translator:The translator will quickly translate any known language or communication system. Note that the translater is not fullproof and it may mistranslate some words

Sound Dampening:Although loud or irritating sounds won't damage bionic ears, they can be annoying, distracting, or even painful to the user. This option enables the owner to dampen out specific ranges from the sonic spectrum, allowing sound to be dampened, which can also make it easier to hear a specific sound (such as a human voice) in a noisy environment.

Sonar:An omni-directional variable-tone ultrasound transmitter in the ear sends out ultrasound waves and then determines distance to the nearest objects by means of echo-ranging. A continuous low tone in the ear when the system is engaged provides information to the user as to range based on pitch and volume of the tone. If an eye ball display is available, the sonar can also build up an ultrasound map of the space around the user and overlay it on the visual image of the eye.

Modulating Vioce Synthesizer:.$75,000.

Three-Dimensional Volume Data Synthesizer:Near real-time ultrasound display algorithms that produce convincing renderings of the object being scanned.

Real/Synthetic Registration Synthesizer:Low latency display and tracking systems, and motion prediction systems, all to achieve synthetic environments that stay registered to the real world.

Amplified/Loudspeaker:The sound of the voice can be boosted up as if the user were speaking through a bullhorn, there is also a defensive sonic stun option.

Record/Playback:This option allows the user to record one hour of sound and play it back at a later time. The recording can be accessed at any point and can be recorded over.

Data Log/Identify:The computer is programed to recognize 50,000 different sounds, from birds chirps to the sound of a car engine or hum of a energy rifle. New sounds are catagorized as encountered.


Metal-Glass PolymerStructural amorphous metals represent a new class of bulk metallic alloys that exhibit unique combinations of mechanical properties. Unlike conventional metals, structural amorphous metals are bulk, structural metallic materials whose microstructures are non-crystalline, amorphous, or "glassy" in the solid state. Also included in this classification are metallic materials whose crystalline microstructures are formed from an amorphous state or are synthesized/derived from an amorphous condition and exhibit combinations of crystalline and amorphous features.

Metal-Rubber Composites.$320,000.

Layered Electronics. $8,000.

Synthetic Multifunctional Materials (SMFM)The objectives of the synthetic multifunctional materials utilizing compositional and morphological arrangements to perform at least one additional function such as structural capability plus power (energy generation), structural capability plus self-repair, structural capability plus sensing, and structural capability plus ballistic and/or blast protection.

On-Board Weaponry

Plasma Fusion Cannon:
Mode: Plasma Pulses.
Power/Feeding requirements: 70 Terawatts
Range(effective): 360 km
Rate of fire: Plasma 30 pulses/barrel/minute.
Nominal bore: 4 meters (Barrel bore, 17 meters)
Energy for each shot/discharge: 70 Terajoule/bolt
Nominal piercing power, solid steel: 40 meters.

Plasma System and Splatter: Perhaps the best explanation I've heard for plasma weapons is the following. Hydrogen is loaded into the weapon and contained in a magnetic bottle (usually juxtaposed with the cartidge used to deliver the hydrogen to the chamber). This hydrogen is then superheated by lasers into a plasma state, which incidentally, is also very high pressure due to the constant volume during heating. When sufficiently heated and pressurized, the magnetic bottle is 'opened' at one end, and the result is like that of a bottle of champagne. The plasma is fired in a powerful, superhot jet. Also, plasma discharges will splash excessivley upon impact. The jet of superheated hydrogen acts like a viscous liquid, and is likely to splatter upon impact (before burning a hole through the target). This splashing causes secondary damage to objects in the immediate viscinity (usually a number of feet equal to the damage done divided by ten. Plasma will cool very quickly in air (thus the need for a pilot laser), and so the splatter, as well as impact spot will not suffer further burns after impact.

Pulsed Laser Cannon:. D4 MD damage each. $50,000 each.

Ion Helix Cannon:. D4 MD damage each. $50,000 each.

Mini Machine Gun:External/Internal guns are traditionally mounted outboard of the forearms and are fixed, so aiming is accomplished by pointing the arm. Arm weapons are limited to rifle size. Standard ammo is 1 clip, but a large ammo storage system (a back-mounted drum with belt feed, 10 clips equivalent) may be added. They can be quickly mounted and demounted, once installed

Variable Dimentional Blade:Memory metal, or shape-retention metal, is a homogeneous alloy which can be "trained" to take on a predetermined shape or volume in response to a thermal or electrical stimulus. The shape memory effect is created by a phase change within the solid state. This change results in the rearrangement of the position of atoms within the metallic lattice. The high-temperature phase is called austenite, regardless of the particular alloy. The more limber and flexible low-temperature phase is called martensite. The transition to the austenite phase, accomplished thermally or electrically (by resistance heating while connected to a battery), causes the material to contract, and kinetic morphing can be performed.

This Weapon has limited shape shifting abilities controlled by mental commands and based on technical templates encoded in the main computer. Bladed weapons such as swords, battle axes, knives, spears, multi edged monsters, and many other edged designs may be achived along with blunt striking weapons such as clubs and war hammers.
The edged weapons possess great strength and, due to the fluid nature, can be shaped into extreamly sharp edged with micro serations which will cut through most materials.

Chemical Spray:NERVE GAS: Living organisms exposed to nerve gas will instantly paralyzed for 30 minutes. SMOKE/TEAR GAS: An non-lethal incapcaitating gas often used for crowd control. Anyone exposed will blinded and become violently sick. PAINT: Main use is to blind sensors or cover windows, restricing vision.

Neural Knuckles:Conductive surfaces on the fist deliver an electric charge at a touch.Functions just like a neural mace: if it hits exposed flesh, the victim must save vs. poison or fall unconscious

Fingertip Blade:This is a small hardened blade that can be use for more delecate cutting or for light prying.

Forearm Blade:A 12 inch (.3 m) double edged sword-like blade is concealed in a housing in the left forearm. The blade is used as both a defensive and offensive weapon.

Whole Body Stun System:Covers the borg's entire body. A very effective riot weapon. Anyone touching, or touched by the borg suffers the effect of a stun.

Wrist Garrot Cable:A retracting reel of thin wire cable tipped with a lead weight and used to strangle at close range or lasso at longer ranges.

Flame Thrower:A blast of napalm-like fire. At a range of 200 feet(61 m) there is a liklihood of setting all combustable material, including fuel, wood, dry grass, cloths, hair, ect.

Timed Gernade/Spy Sensor:. $10,000.

Hand-to-Hand Combat:Rather than use a weapon, the cyborg can engage in mega-damage hand to hand combat. Combat fighting styles have been encoded into the main computer and contains various programs in Boxing, Martial Arts, Wrestling, and Killing Moves.
Damage: Based on robotic strength. Listed are for a robotic strength of 20
Restrained Punch:
Full Strength Punch:
Power Punch:
Head Butt:
Jump Kick/Leap Kick:
Judo Style Flip:
Full Strength Ram/Body Block:

Optional Hand Held Weapons:The Cyborg can use all normal human sized weapons and many slightly larger than human sized weapons. These can include rail guns, energy rifles, energy pistols, grenades, and other weapons.


Sleep:. D4 MD damage each. $50,000 each.

Poison:. 30 cm long, 3D6 SDC damage. $3,000.




Fire Resistance:.

Cold Resistance:.

Drowning:Water Immersion Protection seals a borg's body against moisture down to 200m depth.

Electricity ResistanceElectric Surge Protection

On-Board Computer Programs

The use of an OBC program to practice a unfamiliar skill. Programs can be updated to as information changes

Combat Reflexes




Computer Ops

Pick Locks


Auto Mechanics

Robot Mechanics


Animal & Plant Database

Uniform, Vehicle & Weapon Database

Combat Tactics


Preparations Incoming Teleportaion
Scanning & Training - Outbound Preparations

* Preparation for arrival
- Ready Main security team
- Ready Auto-Security Systems
- Ready Emergency Medical Team
- Ready Fire/Haz-Mat Teams
- Check Power Wave fluctuations

* Launch/Landing Platform:
- Scan for outside influence,organisms, devices
- External Weapons & Armor check in

* Medical:
- Diagnostic on all Organics & Replicated Organ systems
- Removal of waste and insertion of Organic Fuel [food]
- Chemical Extraction & Replacement
- Check Exterior Armor for damages-Repair As Necessary
- Diagnostic on Plasma Fusion Reactor and Sub-Systems
- Diagnostic on all Sensor Units
- Diagnostic & Testing of Internal Weapon Systems
- Check ALL parts for wear/damage
- Diagnostic on Self Repair Systems & Recent Repairs
- Diagnostic on Central Data Core
- Repairs of Any Systems or Items
- Assessment of Instincts Assimilation
- Continued Mental Evaluation of Subject
- Continued Mental 'Training' conscience & Subliminally
When the checkout program is complete, a signal indicates whether or not its performance has been satisfactory. If unsatisfactory, the computers then provide data that support isolation of the fault.

* Mission Briefing/Ready Room
- Previous Mission Debriefing & Study Assessment
- Preview of Medical Diagnostics
- Performance Specifications

* Training Area:
- Detailed Study of new Assimilated Information & Integration
- Practice of New Skills & Knowledge
- Practice of Previous Learned Skills
- Continued Training of Physical & Mental Skills

~Outbound Countdown Starts~
- Prepare for Outbound Teleportation

* Mission Briefing/Ready Room
- Next Mission Briefing, Target Acquisition Information
-Detailed Study of Target Area
- Equipment Selection -Exterior Armor, Weapons, Vehicles, Gadgets
- Final Prep/Check: All Systems, Weapons, Physical/Mechanical

* Launch/Landing Platform:
- Final mission software update
- Monitor and Record the prelaunch performance of all electrical and mechanical systems.
- All interfaces are verified in a series of launch pad validation checks.
- Release of Chemicals into System
- Last Chance Mission Abort Hold
- All Verification Check