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Daddy's little defect

Top 5 thing to do in a mall if ur Avril Lavigne

Hey guys this is my page... it sucks right now yes i know but ill try and improve it get new pictures up as they come along and stuff like that.. anyway read on for stuff about me!

Name: Allyson
Nicknamez: Ally,Allycat,AJ.,Aloe,and last but not leastB-hotch
Hair Color: Natural Brown, but the last time anyone saw me with it that color i was 12. so basically what ever color or colors i decide to make it
Eye Color: Brown
Email Address:
Nationalities: American
Family: Mom
Pets: 3 dogs missy,fluffy, and dottie
Zodiac Sign? Cancer
sexuality bi-sexual
My Status hmmm not sure at the moment
Fav Flowerz: Dandilions there such pretty weeds
Fav. Bands: this is just a few!!! Goodcharlotte/Simple Plan/ The Distillers/ SilverChair/ GreenDay/ The Used/ thats all i can name right at the moment cuz that all of them i care to type
Fav. Music Video "Motivation Proclamation"-GoodCharlotte " Im just a kid" Simple Plan & others
Fav. Songs: "emotionless" -GoodCharlotte, " Hold on" -Goodcharlotte,"Say anything"-Goodcharlotte, "Im Just A Kid"-Simple Plan & more
Fav. Colors: pink (yea i like pink), Black, Silver
Fav Cereals luck charms!!! THERE MAGICALLY DELICIOUS
Fav. Sports Soccer
Fav. Athletes: Bam Margera, Mat Hoffman
Fav. Shows: All Things Rock, Jackass, other stuff to jsut dont feel like typein it
Fav. Movies: Dude, Where's My Car?, Nightmare B4 Christmas
Fav. Actress: Julia Stiles
Fav. Actors Adam Sandler, Ashton Kutcher, Josh Hartnett
Fav Video Game Crazy Taxi
AOL/AIM S/N's: Chicvicious87
I Like: interesting people, music, any type of dreaming, reading, writting music, going to concerts
I Dislike: Rude people, headaches, fakes, styes, bitchy people(stay happy come on!!!)
My Dreams/Goals: one day my band will make it as far as to have a big fan base .. and maybe even farther
Chocolate/Vanilla? vanilla
Coke/Pepsi? coke.. but it has to be diet cuz the other stuff is to sweet for me
Truth/Dare? DARE
Sunset/Sunrise? personally sunset.. im never up for sunrise
If I could be a drink.. um.. water.. is easy
Silver/Gold? Silver
Righty/Lefty? Righty
FUN FACT! i met Goodcharlotte
FUN FACT! i met Simple Plan ( as u can tell im a dumbass at these lol)
FUN FACT! um.. i ate glue once.. as a dare... lol >:o

isnt the Happy Bunny the greatest?

"Aleeh & Pauleeh" arent they so cute?


in cartoon form....

and in the real form.. a cutie either way ya look at him!! lol

and who could leave out JAY!!!! the studd in orgy!! lol

well i threw all of those guys up there cuz ya.. there hot! lol and whats a home page with out hot guys right? lol ok im sorry im easily amused!!! im the processe of tryin to ad pages to this but im not sure if im going to be able to figuer out how to do it.. lol so bare with me

a great band to check out


stuff to check out

view my guest book
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listne to all american rejects HERE if you have WIN MED.
listen to the all american rejects HERE if you have real player