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Trix are for rabbits!

What's the deal?


He gets the point
Save the Trix Rabbit
Let the Rabbit win
This should so happen.

Trix: a descent cereal. IF THEY'D LET THE RABBIT EAT! On Sunday mornings when I get out of bed at noon to watch TV, I tend to watch the kiddie channels 'cause they've got all the cartoons. Anyway, I'm usually watching TV and then the commercials come on. I'm not a big fan of commercials as it is, but there are some paticular commercials that depress me. The main one is anything advertiesing TRIX cereal. A good cereal, but the ads... The basic plot for these things are as follows: 1. Greedy little kids get cereal... TRIX cereal. 2. Starving TRIX RABBIT wants some of his own damn cereal. 3. Knowing that the GREEDY-BASTARD KIDS won't give him any, Mr. TRIX RABBIT tries to outsmart them for his own cereal. 4. Disguise fails and the fat little kids say "Silly rabbit, TRIX are for kids!" 5. Starving the rabbit I feel that is a great injustice that the Trix Rabbit cannot eat his own cereal. Why is this so? He endorses the cereal, he stars in the commercials, and he puts up with all the spoiled kids who steal his cereal from him. Yet he doesn not complain. Again. Why? Why can't he eat his cereal. Just once let the poor starving animal eat. Which brings me to another point. STARVATION! If you don't eat you die. Everybody knows that. Well if the Trix rabbit cannot eat is cereal, what is he going to eat? Certainly not what normal rabbits eat. The Trix Rabbit is not a normal rabbit. He is a cartoon character who endorses cereal he can't even eat. Therefore he cannot eat normal rabbit food 'cause he isn't a normal rabbit. Make sense? Good. So therefor he must eat Trix cereal in order to survive. And because he cannot eat this cereal he will soon die. What I wonder is how he is still alvie today. Trix Rabbit doesn't even have a name! What and injustice. Screw Trix cereal, I want the Trix RABBIT! And if the Nestle quick rabbit can eat the NesQuick, How come the rabbit can't have his own product? If you have any other comments e-mail me.
