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- *[-x-Shoutouts-x-]* -

Zachary Michael..we have been through EVERYTHING together..and so much more. I cant think about how life would be without you here by me through the thick and the thin. We have * A L O T * of good memories and I cant wait to make more with you!:) make me So happy:) .. "Love you Strawberry!"...uh hunny im SHORTCAKE not strawberry..ur a little TOO tired at 4 in the morning!:P..I cant believe you ate pubic hair chicken:P not kissin UR LIPS!:P..I know we have been through a lot of rough times baby..but I never want to forget the good ones..which..are a lot!:D..I cant wait until December and we get to be in New York together for a week! *yay* well I love you more than anythin in this world baby..never forget that!*..hehe..are u still up for..going to Idaho, to Florida..then swimming across "the big ocean!" (the gulf of mexico) and going to Colombia..hehe.. u look Sexy in Yellow Speedos! ~Love Always and Forever--Ur Shortcake*
Ginger Sayge*..Hehe..what can we say? we have been through EVERYTHING friends go through together, and so much more! we have a lot of"The bricks of mountain!" lol! at like 5 in the morning all of those were the first person that i stayed out with like..3 hours later than I was supposed to! lol we have had some good times and I will always be here for u! and now we can LITERALLY say you are the BEST EVER! and I would do anything for u! just like u did for me and sis that day..I love u Genga and I will ALWAYS be here for u!
Ashley Hanning!-hey bayba! I had a *WUNDERFAL* time up at jess's party! haha..Well, playin volleyball*&* Chillin with u and Nick! lol! Since ya was all messed up! lol! I was there for one day and found out ALL of the WONDERFUL gossip about EVERYTHING! lol! awe, poor Nick! lol..Volleyball was fun tho..and our feet were just NASTY! lol! Well Hunny, yer really fun to be around and ur easy to talk to! If ya ever need anything im here..if ya ever need to talk about yer guy problems *GUYS IN MUSTANGS! LOL!*.."Uh..No, I used to like him, but I dont anymore!"-"Look at her, she likes him"-" I dont!" lol! oh gosh..yer so funny:) lol..well, Lylas!
Josh Rogers...oh my gosh! lol, what can I say about you..wait..what cant i say about you?! lol! we have had lots of good memories since I met you! lol..we can just forget about EVERYTHING that happened at first! LOL! that really sucked.... lol... oh well.. anyway! Ur great to be around..even tho we always seem to get in some kind of trouble..*stayin out past curfew..* cough cough* lol! I cant believe Jeremey took us all the way out to his house.. "head! I need head!.."--"JEREMEY! SHUT UP! NO ONE IS GIVING U HEAD!" lol!..Wal Mart..Racing the Escalade...LESBIANS!.."Man, they are really lesbians!" lol, Goobers!..the derby was the"Dayum Straight..WOO HOO! LESBIANS!" lol! good, remember.. dont take ever'thing so serious..LYFE IS ABOUT JOKES! lol!..well if u need anything im here for u!:)
Jeremey!-Hey Stoopid! I know at first u thought i was like immature and stupid, well u were right:) cuz i am! lol, the night we went to ur house was a, even tho it took like 30 mins..cuz IT WAS IN THE MIDDLE OF NO WHERE! haha! its all good! U need to stop doing bad things! *&* NO! NO ONE IS GIVING UR ASS HEAD! LOL! the fair was awesome.. u know u liked standing with "2 lesbians!" lol, as u walk the girls walk by and remember..KEEP UR DICK IN UR PANTS! lol! Racin the Escalade! lol, we got our asses, if u need anything im here!:)
Corey, Trails & Danny-...oh lord.. u guys are MESSED UP! " Trails..I heard the word on the street" NO DANNY .. FUCK THE WORD ON THE STREET! lol! well u guys have freakin A sweet ass cars, and I love bein around ya! ur the best! And Corey..dont mess with any dumbasses anymore..or wait..THEY shouldnt mess w/ u! lol, u get ur gang together and we go whip some back down..haha..Josh wasnt scared!! LOL! red, well, if u fellas need anything im here for u!:)
Mindy-we have had a lot of good times, and some bad, but i will always be here for you! *&* I will never forget any of our "blonde" moments! lol..the balloon..and the door! lol! LEVI!! haha!! well, I love u! & if u need anything im here for u! If you ever wanna come to town and just see anyone.. u can come to my house! we have had lots of good times! lol!
*Latasha Chavis!--Hey Doll! we have been friends for what seems like EVER! AND we have had our ups and downs! Im happy that we're friends again even tho we havent seen each other ALL SUMMER! but thats ight..we will still have our lil group @ school (me, u, ginger & Jax) hehe! well, if you ever need anything then im here for u! Good luck with Jordan...and dont be jealous of me!:P lol! I love ya! *&* I LOVE ZACHARY TOO!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D hehe! LOVE U CHIK!
Shawn Besing- We can barely talk without people thinking crap and running their mouths!..well, good luck with ur new woman!:) Im here if u need someone to talk to!
Sis!- hehe! ur house is awesome! all summer up here, and the best thing is u let us do basically anything and u let Zach come up here for a week too! This summer has been awesome and if u need someone to talk to, im here for u! I love u!
Emily York!- PE was awesome! I LOVE U SO MUCH EMMY!we have been through SO much stuff together, and I'll always be here for you! I will never forget the times ur yard!, the trampoline...riding our bikes, digging for dino bones! lol! we had a good childhood together & im happy we're close again! I love u!
Patrick Dee!-Hey! me and you have been through A L O T of crap together and Im always gonna be here for u no matter what! Good Luck with u and Heahter, and if u ever need someone to talk know u can trust me! The salem game was the best! lol..well ya know my number..give me a call if u ever need ne-thing!
Melissa Dowdy!-Hey, You are SUCH a sweetie! English this year was the, You, Sean, Tyler *&* Erica..haha..makin fun of Cassie! lol! Good Luck with ur men &* Volleyball!
Êrica Campbell!-Hey..good luck with Cooper.. We have had lots of good times! hehe! Last wrestling season SUCKED! cuz all of the fighting, but thats ok! never forget going uptown *&*, CVS! they thought we stole shit! haha! piggy back rides across Main!! HAHA! well I love u hunny!
Carly Jo! Hey hunny! we have been through too much SHIT TOGETHER! LOL! I love ya hunny and im always here for ya..even tho we have been through some BAD shit! Im still here..if you ever need anything then u can call me, cuz i'll be by ur side! Good Luck with Clint!
JoLee Rigg! We've known each other forever&I will always be here for u! Walkin uptown and ALL around! lol! U leavin with Tyler and NOT COMING BACK! lol;)..never forget all of our kid memories together! lol! Ur parties in like 4th well if u ever need anything im gonna be here for u! I love you Jo!
Talley!- Hey! We've had our ups and downs, but I will always be here for u hunny! the fair was fun! Jayden ridin the bull! "did you know that it looks like ur jacking off!" LoL! I love u hunny!
Emily Waterbury!- Hey!-4th grade was the best! lol we had a blast! I love ya..if ya need anything u can call.
Mike Cheesman!- Hey Cheese Head! You are awesome at wrestling! Good Luck in College..Thanks for helpin me this wrestling season!
Derrick Bailey!- Hey Pimp, you like to cause LOTS of problems! but thats ight! Good Luck with the
Sean!-Hey! You have like taught me everything I know about..mostly anything to do with being outdoors..Ur the best cousin EVER! cept ur too protective:P Cant wait until u get to take me to school!:D haha..and out to lunch! :P Love u! (and she is Too short for u...)
Dan Shular!- Hey! Maybe you wont be so stupid anymore! good Luck with the ladies! and stay away from the bad stuff Dan! Im here for ya..u know that
Jake Wilkinson-well, u think im a tease, but its all good..sorry about what happened, and im happy we're still friends! Call me if u ever need anything! Im here for u!
Stacey Smith!- Hey sexi! we have had lots of talks about Zach and Chris & I will always be here for you if you need someone tah talk to! ight? Love ya!
Bryce-Hey! we have been through a lot of ups and downs already this year lol..thanks for being here for me *&* HOPEFULLY we have Math together again..cept for "nosey neighbors!" lol! if u need anything..uknow my numba!
Jamie Blair!- Hey! u said u wanted on here u are! lol! I dont really know what to put since we arent close friends anymore!..Jus' never forget the Benton game *&* that night at my house! lol! We hadda blast! "lets just call Will!" lol! then Kent..LIFE STYLES OF THE RICH AND FAMOUS! lol!!!!!! Well, hope we get close again! :-D
Zack Wagner-Hey!..Im happy you finally realized u were wrong! and i didnt do anything wrong! lol! well, we used to be really good friends and hang out and stuff, and we dont anymore..whatttya know..well if u ever need anything then im here.. u know u can trust me..ight? payce tata
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