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shauna_n_heathers good charlotte site

Our Favourite things

hope you liked our wonderful site..its not quite finished yet its sposta be about gc so im gonna start rambaling on about random stuff..just cause i can... ************************************************************************************************************** good charlotte is a pop/punk/rock band from Waldorf Maryland Joel-vocals Benji- guitar/vocals Billy-guitar Paul- bass Chris- drummer************************************************************************************************************** good charlotte has helped many people including me ,there songs have a lot of meaning and i can relate to what there saying ,hold on is one of my favorite songs,i cry every time i hear it,but there thinking about making a video for it,i hope they don’t ,i don’t want to think of a cheesy story line every time i hear i listen to it, A couple days ago i was at a gc fan site in a chat room full of 14 year old girl talking about how hot benji and joel are, never saying anything about paul,billy or chris . they think just cause they have a gc cd and a pin up in there looker there a fan. i think in order to be a fan you have to LISTEN to the MUSIC not just look at the faces . iv been in too over protected sites too, they had a group of people with the title ‘ WISC’ -wolf in sheeps clothing -and everyone else they called a ‘sheep’ because there just following the trend (even if they were TRUE fans) i think that funny... i hate titles...i think if you dont REALLY know someone you shouldnt title them ...okay im done.. ************************************************************************************************************** Ok, Heather went, so now its my turn. I found Good Charlotte only a couple of months ago, but it was when i needed them the most... i, like many of the 14 year old girls^^^ started liking them when i actually found out who they were... so i bought their CD's and fell in love with the lyrics.... i have never been so emotionally swept away by something some i will never meet said in some song.and like heather, hold on means SO much to me.... 2 years ago i was in a propane explosion which left me with 50% of my body covered in 3rd degree burns. I was ashamed of who i was, what i looked like, and how i felt. when i started listeing to GC i realized.... that i was my own person, and to learn to embrace the things that made me different... because i dont want to be little miss prim, proper and perfect. but i also found gc when i got REALLY suicidal. it was close to the 2 year anniversary of my accident.. i started cutting myself and seperated from everyone that loved me. i hid it for a while.. but then i found hold on. It said, in one song, everythign i needed to hear..... i loved gc so much, i went to a message board...and i found jas, heather, emma... and a whle bunch of people, that had problems just like me... is the greatest site.. with the greatest people...and i'm not sure if any fo what i just said makes sence....... BUT I DONT CARE!! HAHA ************************************************************************************************************** ~**~**~**~RePReSeNT GC CauSe You KNow WeRe RePReSeNTiN You~**~**~**~

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