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family stuff...

Hey Hey Hey!!!

Hehe... Okay... I admit it, I miss ya guys! So this is my page to let you know that I am still the same wacky BoB!

I have got to mention the music. Now I know most of ya'll have moved on in your music tastes, but honestly, I am still hooked on Green Day and Weezer since my 7th grade year in Connecticut. And I still have all of their cd's/tapes that have ever been on the market. What can I say???

Although, for those of you who were in my English class in 1999--I have decided Phantom Planet now ROTS! But I have proved you all wrong and Stroke 9 is still rocking in my eyes!

I leave with this stunning line that has haunted my memory since the year 1993...

"If you want to destroy my sweater hold this thread as I walk away"

So, busdriver Don, if you really miss hearing my lovely voice belting out the words to every song you found on the bus radio every morning and afternoon, please, send me an email. I will be more than happy to visit Maine.

Jake: I will always remember the Limp Bizkit concert... Well, I guess more of the LB than you...hehehe

Mary, Matt, Rob: I know it may be a bit blurry to ya'll, but the 3 drs down concert was worth it...

Alas, my hubby only likes country music... or so he claims... Go figure...
