August 03, 2003
I haven't had people join in such a long time =( It makes me really sad =( doesn't anyone like good charlotte? Sigh. It's times like these when I feel really young and hopeless.

Sorry, but I'm not doing the news anymore. I still have the clique though!!
I got this idea for a clique, because if you really think about it, we are all a little young and hopeless. You can join this clique for two reasons. One, is if you are a Good Charlotte fan, or two, you are young and hopeless. Or both.
Being young and hopeless means you have been told that you can never do what you want to, that you have no potental, had a rough life, or anything like that. Being young and hopeless does not mean that Benji and Joel are so totally hot so I want to represent them by joining this clique. Those kind of people make me sad. So have have pride in being young and hopeless, and join the clique!

Yeah, I know everybody hates them, but I'm only giving you a few, so you have to follow then.
01. You have to put your real name. I'm not stupid. I know your parents didnt name you joelshotgirl.
02. You don't need to have a website, but you need to have a valid email adderess.
03. If you do have a website, please put a code up where I can see it-
04. if you do have a site, it has to be a good site, no anime, and no porn. swearing is ok
05. To make sure you read the rules, where it says "Hard days made me" write "hard nights shaped me". It's really easy if you don't write that I won't add you.

Click here for codes

Click here for members
