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K i m s / F a v o r i t e s
F r i e n d s
R a n d o m
T h e / W o n d e r f u l
O t h e r
L i n k s
A p r i l  25th 2003

So,I figured since everyone,and I mean everyone I know has their own personal website on them,what the hell.
I'm not really the type of person, to make those about me websites,but hey I'm bored so its the least I can do.
Okay,So the bad news is..This will
probably wont be updated all that much.I say this because,for one, my computer is a complele piece of shit.
Two,I am not always online.
and Three,I DO have a life and dont always have time to update the websites that I make.
And remember that this is my website,and I will not be held responsable for something that you read/see that you do not like.
Because I really could give a shit less.If you dont like something, leave.
Sounds harsh I know.But,I dont care.

S i n c e:  April 25th,2003
V e r s i o n: #01
W e b m i s t r e s s:  Kim
C r e d i t:  One, Two, Three
T a g b o a r d:  Sign it?
G r a b:  My buttons