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Grad Pictures

Me and Ashon

Me and Ashon

Me and Ashon

Me and Ashon

Me and Ashon

I think Ashton has an idea. Hmm, I seem to think it sounds interesting. He has my attention.

Ummmm. I guess not. obviously I didnt agree with him.

hahahaha, thats me and the clown we saw. He was really nice, but i was a little upset that he wouldnt give me a balloon. Damn Clown.

Oh my i love this picture. Chenoa and Dustin look like tree hugging hippies, and im the drunk sister. My oh my. Mama must be proud.

Well Ill try and put a name to a face. Sorry if it doesnt exactly match. Right-->Left Sam (my cousin), Kayla (behind Sam, you really cant see her),Andrew (Ashtons brother) Chenoa (my sister), ME!!, Dustin (my brother) Kaylee (the one Dustins holding, my cousin), Mackenzie and Allyson (Ashtons sisters), Ashton (my grad date), Victoria (Ashtons sister) Phew. Thats everyone, well the kids anyways.

Ashton and his mommy Joan.

Everyone waiting for me and Ashton to show up for dinner.

My Grama and Grampa.

Me and my Dad.

Awww. Arent we cute?
