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My Favorite Things About Cheese


Upcoming gigs

SNAFU forum

Craptacular SNAFU Store


Hello ladies, gentlemen, and hermaphrodites!!!! We are the band, SNAFU. In case you're wondering we stand for "Situation Normal All Fouled Up". The band consists of Josh, whom we all love, Colby, who is probably in love right now, Ryan, who likes doritos, and Joseph (me) and i'm looking for some edible underwear. We are here to make fun of each other, bang guitars, and ... oh yeah... PLAY MUSIC!!! We have just recently started this band, and I hope that you enjoy our music as much as we like to play it. Our website is under construction, but soon we'll have a link to our forums, links to purchase merchandise, and biographies, pictures, and all that good stuff as soon as possible. We play around the Beaumont area and we are located in Lumberton!!!! Where the preps run wild and we all get stuff thrown at us. So hey... LADIES TAKE YOUR SHIRTS OFF AND WE'LL ALL BE HAPPY!!! please come check us out and if interested in us please send us an email. Later guyz!!!