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        Hello. And welcome to my web page about the Holocaust. Here you are going find out many facts about the holocaust. Holcaust began with the evolution of Adolph Hitler's maniacal dreams based on his interpretation of Germanic history, and the quest for the "Aryan ideal." The Holocaus was a very sad period of time in the time line of human history. It started in1933 and ended in 1945. In 1933, nine million Jews livd in the 21 countries of Europe that were occupied by Germany in World War 2. By the end of the War in 1945, every 2 out of 3 Jew were killed. Jews were victims of six million murders, also Gypsies, handycapped and Polens wre targeted for destrotion for racial, ethnic or national reasons.

Names of some Concentration Camps.

Holocaust Timeline in the begining of World War 2.

  1. Aktion Reinhard Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka,
  2. Auschwitz
  3. Bergen-Belsen
  4. Buchenwald Mittlebau Dora
  5. Chelmno
  6. Dachau
  7. Maidaek
  8. Mauthausen
  • 1933 - January 30 :Presidant Hindeenburg entrust Chaancellorship of Germany to Adolph Hitler.
  • Febuary 2 :Hitler meets for the first time the high commander of Germany's officer corp..
  • Febuary 22 :Goering establishes an auxiliary police force of 50,000. Most taken from the ranks of the S.S. and S.A.
  • Febuary 28 : Hindenburg preevailed upon by Hitler to suspend the constitution for "Protection of the People."
  • March 5 : Last democratic election during Hitler's lifetime. Nationalists gain 52 sats, but not enough to estblish a dictatorship by consent of Parliament. Third Reich is born.
  • March 13 : Jewish Lawyers and judges are expelled from court in Breeslau.
  • March 23 : Enabling Act passed: All control of the Reich budget, approval of treaties, and the intiation of constitutional amenments was handed b the Reichstag to the Reich cabinet for a period of four years. For example, Hitler given legal instrument to move forward.
  • 1960 May 11: Adolf Eichmann is captured in Argentina by Israeli secret service

     What were Nazis? The word Nazi is short for " National Socialist." The Nazi were a group of workers party formed in 1919, primilary unemployed German veterans of Worl War 1. It was a right wing political party. Adolf Hitler was not head of the party until 1921. Soon after that, he became a powerful force in Germany elections by the early 1930's. In 1933 the "Nazi Party" assumed power in Germany and Adolf Hitler was made Chancellor. He ended femocracy and restricted basic natural rights such as; freedom of speech, press and assembly. The way he used to use the gettos was by establishing a brutal dictatioship through a reign of terro and created an atmosphere of fear, distrust and suspension in which made people betrayed their neigbors and helped Nazi obtain people. At last on May 11, 1960, Adolf Hitler was capturned 9in Argentina by Israeli secret service.
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Timeline for the holocaust
aThis is a very good site to get facts about the Holcaust timeline.
This where i got all of my information about the ending of the Holocaust.
This is a site on the history of Adolf Hitler.