Site hosted by Build your free website today! Hey, I didn't know your school started already. My school starts the 25th which is this upcoming Monday. I still have my two books to read so I guess I will do that later on today when I wake up. For classes I have the basic, SS,Math,English,Religion,and Science, plus a Study Hall and Language. My school is doing a new thing this year, It is a database online. Each student gets a "User ID" and "Password" when loging in you get access to, Schedule, Review grades of previous or current year, Keep Track of progress between report cards, Look up dates of homework quizzes and test etc... Heh, didn't feel like writing the rest. It is pretty cool though, can't wait to see it in action. Yea, school is fun since you get to hang out with your friends and what not... Yea, I am going to start going to bed earlier and waking up around 5:30am, it's going to be hard to do how I stay up and stuff... Anyway I am done talking about school now. About that day my cousin was here. I'm not sure you just acted totally different. Saying stupid quotes and things. You're not annoying when you talk, and if you feel that I think that, I am sorry. I love it when you talk to me. Don't try to talk normal if it isn't you, I just didn't think that you were acting like yourself. I guess I don't know you, but that's cool I got plenty of time to get to know you . So the musuem wasn't fun? I thought it would be fun, I want to go there sometime soon, also want to go to the zoo. My parents are divorced and I live with my mother and her boyfriend. My dad hasn't really been a big impact of my life since he hasn't been here for my teen years. It's cool though, doesn't actually bother me as much as people think. How old is your dad? I think it's cool that he wants to spend time with you, you should cherish the times you have with the people you love, since you never know when they might go away. Yes, I have been to the Onimax, it was when I was little. My sister use to be in girl scouts and they had a field trip there and since my mother went I had to go also. We watched something on sharks. I was okay, nothing fancy about it or anything. I would have probably laughed at the lady that fell, not being rude or anything, but I just would have . That's pretty cool you're almost done with your community service hours. I still haven't did any yet. I will probably just tell my uncle to sign the piece of paper saying I worked 40 hours. Then again who knows' I might actually do it. What do you think I should do? I'm glad to hear that you quit smoking, it's a bad expensive habit. Didn't you say Mike was in a band, maybe it was Jason? Anyway couldn't you have one of those guys teach you? Either way, I know you will learn how and be a kick ass guitarist. After you learn how to play the guitar you can get "guitar tabs" off web sites and play them. I think guitar lessons are $25 per lesson or maybe that is drums, anyway good luck. Sorry you can't watch him "the Tom Green Show", but can't you see all the Tom Greens for the week on Friday or something? I thought it was something like that, not really sure though. Christine I love you so much, I am truly sorry for how I acted. I guess I wasn't in the mood since my cousin was here. I love you, and will always love you. ~LaTeR~