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Red-Eyed Wise Guys

The band originally started out with an undecided name and with only 2 members. Those two where Maks and Joey, they got together often to mess around on Joey's ¾ sized bass and Maks's ½ sized guitar (that he sucked at) and decided one day that we should start a band. We automatically thought of Taylor Gray for the drums, and called him. He was into it, but his mom said that he couldn't, so for a long time we went behind her back with him as our drummer. Then when we remembered that Maks sucks at the guitar we decided to get a good guitar player. We found Dylan Ritter, we thought he was good. But soon after the first couple of practices we all (other than Dylan of course) thought that he had to go. We quickly found a much better replacement in Cory Goodwin, a big Metallica fan who actually practices and knows that he isn't the best but can get better with more practice.we had a few gigs but nothing major. There was a few people who came to our practices
That was 3 years ago
This is now

Our band went through way too many changes to name. The short version is that maks wasn't a drummer and I (joey) wasn't a singer. So I went from playing bass to playing drums, and Maks played bass for a few weeks but then was replaced by one of the numerous people who have been in our band. So he was our biggest groupie and came to all our practices and became the "sound Guy", all the while he was teaching himself bass secretly, then one day he busted out his bass during practice and blew everyone away with his kickass bassplaying.which brings us to now, where Cory plays guitar and sings, Joey drums, And Maks plays bass and does backup vocals. We have been named "The coolest 3-piece garage band" by the hundreds of people who have seen us in the past few months.