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The Rekals


9-17-03 NEW MEMBER!!! Our band would like to introduce a new member. No one got kicked out, he's just new. OK his name is Will and he is playing guitar. Your probably thinking "this band is going to sound like shit," but nope we made everything work. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9-4-03 OK Guys as you know we didn't play the gig, but we will be as soon as we get our disfunctual band running again. We are also planning on making our first E.P. in October. We are also working on record deals, but as I said we are a new band. A lot of our friends are in bands and we are very happy with the competition we have with them. Greg is currently getting prepared for a drumming contest he's going to have with our friend Danny. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ History-- We are an up-and-coming hardcore punk band. Our Band is made up of 5 Punkers. Greg on the drums, Daniel "The Schmad" on lead guitar, Mike on bass, Steven on rhythm guitar, and Drew is the vocalist. Our band has kicked up in the past few weeks. With the help from our parents (we need them to tolerate us long enough for us to practice!) we hope to become very successfull with our music. This band of ours is very impressive so far and we all hope to make it big some day. We will soon be posting pics and the dates of our gigs. Check back with us and get that info.
