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days until X-Mas!

Welcome to my dark little corner.

This is my website. I don't care if you like it or not. More will be added soon.

Things I expect to add:
  • Links (Check, lol)
  • Images (Check, lol)
  • Stuff (Still working on that..)
  • Something..(Any ideas?)

I think that's it..

ATTENTION!!!! I no longer use MsealsMusic. Please don't tell me that my website's music is weird or you don't like it. I like it. You don't? Don't come back then.

GIR // GIR is one of the most hilarious people on
the show. He's a robot and is SUPPOSED to be
helping Zim. His quote is "Can I be a
moongoose dog?"

Which Invader Zim character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Thanks to Steve for fixing my E-Mail link! If the graphics don't load, you either have a slow computer (like me) or something is wrong..So don't E-Mail me about it..I don't wanna hear it.

About me..

I'm a pretty average teen. I like to swim, chat, listen to music, and watch television, although nothing is ever on. I have a lot of computer skills, I made this whole site from HTML and JavaScript. I get bored kinda easily..Do you need to know that? I'm Klueless on TOD ..Love you, Jake! ^-^

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