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Jonny's Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Web Site                               



    Hey I hope to god that if your checking this site out, its because you know me...if not you're a fucking crazy freakazoid who I'm afraid of and I don't ever want to meet you...ever. Oh and you smell. So if you don't fit into the category of psychopaths just discussed then there would be no need to explain who I am, where I live or what it is I do (hellz if I know). BUT...for the sake of being a good sport I suppose a little info wouldn't hurt right? ok I'm presently 19 years old living in Montreal and fucking loving it. I'm a punk rocker who only associates with people I can tolerate, if I don't lash out at you and ignore you its cuz I tolerate you. I'm presently dating a wonderful girl named Michelle, some of you may know her as Ryan's ex, others may know her as John's ex, then others may just think she's some girl who's full of herself. Either way she's special to be able to put up with my shit.

Funny Video of Me Dancing (not working yet)


    Well right now this is my 1st web page ever and there isn't much to it, I hope to have a photo section and maybe a music section. Started school again with even less ambition then before, arg. 

    Jarod is going to be releasing a Montreal punk rock DVD soon but i have no other info ont hat, ask the Jew himself. 




Of Me and Friends

Pics of Random Shit and People (NA)   

Pics of Montreal Bands  (NA)



    Oh I have a radio show on Dawson's own CIXS but u gotta be at the school at 10 am on a wednesday to hear the crap. Mostly gonna be punk rock and psychobily,

Lately I've been listening to a lot of covers. Its interesting to see how much a band can fuck up a really great song that may have affected people's lives, hell sometimes they dont fuck it up at all. I find it funny how The Misfits were never popular 'till Metalica started to cover their songs. Makes you wonder if Judgemental will be popular in 20 years because some techno band starts to play Makes me bleed or I hate my step mom.



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