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Megan's Site!

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«´¨`·.¸*PuNk RoCk*¸.·´¨`»
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The new Blink 182 album comes out November 18th!!! YAY!! Click the little play button at the bottom right corner of the box at the top to play the new single!
HeY I'm Megan, Well This is my site...Don't forget to sign the guestbook!!! So anyway, I live in Kentucky, I stay online ALOT, i play bass. I love punk rock, my bass, my dog, and my cd player. hehe. I'm single, and it sucks really bad. If you don't like me then get the hell off my page. :-) Add me to msn ( if you don't already have me on your list. Cya! And you better sign the guestbook!

Update boxes are stupid, and even this one is screwed up but its the best i could find. yeah theyve all messed up something on my site. argg. if you wanna go out with me email me hehe i need a boyfriend. 9 more days until the new blink 182 album comes out. i hope it dont suck...nerrrr yay! its gonna rock. the new TSL album comes out in 22 days. yippieeee! well thats all i have to say. bye (oh yeah, sign my guestbook)

~*!*~LiKeS~*!*~ *Punk rock* _ *bass* _ *skateboarding* _ *videogames* _ *spikey hair* _ *punk rock guys* _ *my doggie* _ *smurfs* _ *penguins* _ *talking online* _ *drawing* _ *concerts* _ *juicy juice boxes* _ *sharpies* _ *my friends*
you are punk!

What type of music are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

I can't stop crying over my ex. They left
me for someone else and it breaks my heart.
I am overly emo. I hope he bought you roses.

What Goddamnit song are you?
u hate the world
You're Mad At The World Bear!

Which dysfunctional Care Bear are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
walmart yay!

what's YOUR deepest secret?
brought to you by Quizilla
Megan J.- Your one of my best friends and my next door neighbor! WOOOO!! You and Ryan L. didn' last very long. lol. We have alot to look forward livng together in a double-wide up the street in college! LOL. Your fun to hang out with and you can blow really big bubbles with your PINK bubble gum! Eric is stupid and everyone hates him. And ya know what...i just LOVE your mommys pencil toppers! they are the best!! wahh! yaaa! haha i wrote my email address with a flourecent sharpie! Well sharpies rock so yah!HAHA the cow suit rocks! that was so fun everybody loves you now! But ya know your as fat as a cow with that thing on! LOL!! That was fun when we killed the bracelet! Just don't touch that envelope you dont know where its been! We're so stupid sometimes but its all cool. It's very nice of you to listen to my C.D.s even though you think it sucks, because you know I'll harrass and trouble you persistently until you do listen to it!You were the first person I met when I moved here so I've known you for like seven or eight years, and you've listened to me complain about numerous things in those years. So thanks for not going crazy and killing me over it! LoL. You sure know how to wake me up when I'm in a deep sleep, just play Britney Spears CD's with huge speakers until I finally give in and wake up! Haha It was soo funny when you left your pickle jar beside my bed and I woke up and it scared me. Ahhh dont touch the drumsticks, they've been everywhere!...or the end of a telephone...or the remote control..well yeah haha, your so crazy!. You also left your big box of cheezits at my house haha, I ate them all.LoL Stay awesome and never change, your like my best friend. Lylas*A* Samantha C.- I'm sorry you didn't make A-squad, I know you could have, but you will next year I know it! Your awesome and I like hangin' out with you. We have more classes together now and were like best friends. Our lunch table was taken and we gotta beat everyone up and get it back! You need to forget about Eric because he's stupid, but i know someone you need to hook up with;-) haha plunger plunger! That was awesome, so was the time you left your books in the floor in geography class!! haha! Remember the naked molerat thing!! Thanks for putting up with me grieving over people ::cough::cough:: lol. At least you listen to me and dont get annoyed...even though its always the same thing every day!, were pretty much in the same situation. We have the same pants now! wahoo! I haven't told the dead dog anything you've said yet!! I'm glad we got to know each other better because your an awesome friend. well im gonna go get kicked out of biglots...AGAIN!LoL Lylas*A* Racheal D.-Hey girl! im glad i got to know you better this year and were like really good friends and stuff now. I can't wait till you start percussion but if you have to switch class periods i'll cry. lol. Your crazzzy, especially when you write undisclosed names on your trapper with sharpies! ARG! silly Racheal. You have a pimpin' camera also, its great but i cant figure out how to work it *cries* Good luck with Jared, you guys are so cute together! lol. Well stay cool and don't ever change, your an awesome cheerleader too. Lylas*a* Sayward- Hey, your really cool, and alot like me, if we can get along that good online for as long as we'e been talkin' then I say we got alot in common hee hee. I'm glad to know you, your a really good friend. I can't wait to see you again this fall, since I'm only gonna get to see you like twice a year anyway. And next year were going to go to any extent to find our way to warped tour so be ready lol. Awesome fanfics, and awesome site! Lylas*A* Ryan O.-Heyyyy your awesome at bass...(im better! lol jk). But its all good, your one of my best friends, and im glad, cause your sooo cool and funny. Good luck at all your shows, you guys rock! Patrick M.-Um...HIII! hehe i don't know what to say, your so funny and stuff and i've talked to you alot on the phone lol. NERR! ARG! Yeah well stay cool and keep away from the plunger. hehe. Shave the Dolphins! umm yeah. cya. Kelli O.- We've been friends for a long time and your awesome. I'd say Mr.Simmons is having a great time without me in his class now! lol I'm the evil percussion-ist! haha. Lylas*A* Jerrica & Jessica- Hey girls! Your the sweetest!! I hate it that you quit cheerleading! But your both so good at band, i have 3rd period with you (Jessica) and your really good! I hope I dont mess you up with my terrible drum playing lol. I had to be in 3rd or I would have to drop Mrs.Evans for 6th, so I'll try my best. You guys hafta do the band starting in November, I get to play my bass guitar at basketball games! YaY! I love ya to death, never change! Taylor S.- Your funny. lol. Ummm...Your dog is awesome and so cute, so are you. Your sweet and I like talkin' to ya, but you never talk to me anymore!!! I love ya! Dustin D.-Hey you big sexy stud! lol your pretty cool, i donno you that well but maybe i will someday. lol yeah well um you ride my bus but i never ride the bus so it basicly defeats the purpose, well alkaline trio rocks so keep listening to them, and dont take no candy from strangers. Aaron-Hey! I cant wait till you all come up here again to see me. Your awesome, hehe, Yeah time I won't get kicked outta the lady bug at the water park, i really do look six!!! lol. Cya later, love ya!! Bryce-I realy want to meet you, you seem really awesome, I have family that lives up there so when we visit them I'll get to see you all up there! yay! hee hee. Love ya! Nicole M.-Your really nice, I hope we can get to know each other better. We are cool, we have cool pants! Have fun in highschool! lol. Lylas*A* Susan A.-Hey!! Your soo pretty, and a really good friend, I'm glad to know ya. Keep up the gymnastics! Your really good at it! If you ever need to answer Mrs.Evans terrible hard vocabulary questions, you can just ask your best friend! lol Lylas*A* Arielle M.-Your getting so good at gymnastics!! Keep it up, your awesome. Your one of my best friends and I'm very happy to know ya! Lylas*A* Racheal C.-Hey! It's a record, Mrs.White has moved us away from each other 5 times total the whole year!!! And thats only in one class, imagine what we could do if we were in TWO of Mrs.Whites classes!! She wouldn't know which way to turn! >) We get to raise more hell in band this year! YEAHHH! I'm lookin forward to that!Good luck playin your sexyphone!lol Lylas*A* Evan P.-Your really cool, I like hangin' out with you. Um...thats all I got to say, you have cool hair. hee hee.You need to go out with Megan Johnson. Taylor P.-You have the best parties EVER! WOO HOO! Your a good friend and your really good at speech! I will get to know you alot better next year. Your the best. Lylas*A* Bria L.- Hey! Your so sweet, and nice. I wanna get to know you better, maybe we will next year, I love your hair! It's so cool!.I will get to see you alot more this year and get to know you better, hehe, you need to make a site! lol. well ttyl. Lylas*A* Justin F.- Hey buddy! Your really awesome, I can't wait till I finally get to come up there and see all you guys!. I'ts gonna be fun. Too bad you and Sayward aren't still goin' out. Ohh well, your hott. LoL ~*!*~CoUpLeS~*!*~
Sam AnD Eric
Racheal AnD Jared
~*!*~CoUpLeS~*!*~ (I still got lots more shout-outs to put on here so if i forgot you email me and tell me at
~*!*~R.I.P - Sid Vicious~*!*~May/10/1957 - February/2/1979~*!*~ "Too fast to live to young to die." ~*!*~R.I.P - Kurt Cobain~*!*~February/20/1967 - April/5/1994~*!*~