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You Have Now Entered the Secret Layer of...THE PUNK ROCK AVENGER™

So you've found my secret hideaway, have you??? (((Maybe my mom let my secret out, she's always tellin my friends my secrets...))) Anywayz, welcome, look around, have a good time...oh Wait! Before you do you must take the secret oath ((Hey, I don't just let ANYONE in the "Layer" ya know!)) Now, repeat after me: " I, (Insert your name here) Do hearby denounce any preppish ways I may have, and pledge respect to the punk rock and heavy metal world. I will do my part as a SANE person to help the PUNKROCKAVENGER™ rid the world of crusty preppies and whiny boybands. This is my solemn VOW!" Congratulations, you're a new member of the...ummm...(((D@mn, what do I call this)))...oh yeah...the PunxSociety of...ummm...666!!

Now that we have all of THAT taken care of, I guess I'll come clean about my TRUE Identity...*But if a WORD of this makes the Tabloids, your @$$ is MINE!* I'm Katie, 16 year old Missouri teen trying to help the world out by ridding it of Boybands and Preppies. Hey, it's a tough job, but SOMEONE'S gotta do it!!! *HeeHeeHee*But aside from my strenuous life of crime fighting, I do lotsa other stuff. for starters, there's school *AHHHHH!!!*And then there's always my boyfriend *Awww, my inspiration* Anytime I feel like I can't be a super hero no more, he encourages me to keep fightin the bad doods *Even though he doesn't realize it*Yep Yep, he's the love of my life, and I hope to one day marry him and have lil super hero babies with him!....ANYWAYZ...Yeah....then there's always the preps at school,(((God Help us ALL!)))But it's all good, I can tolerate them during the day and fight them at night....cuz the punk of the world come out to PLAY at NIGHT!*Just you REMEMBER that NSYNC!! You evil b@sta......oops...*

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