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-WARNING!!! EVERY THING ON THIS PART OF THE SITE IS DANGEROUS SO TRY IT AT YOUR OWN RISK.THERE IS A CHANCE THAT THE STUFF ON THIS PART OF THE SITE COULD GET YOU IN A LOT OF HURT OR TROUBLE.SO BE RESPONSIBLE! -making a dry ice bomb what you need: dry ice(can get it from walmart)water,syran wrap, 2 liter bottle(20 oz. will work), small rocks.ok once you have all the things needed then you get the syran wrap go outside and get some rocks(small ones)place them on the syran wrap then once you have done this take another sheet of syran wrap(same size,oh and by the way make sure thes syran wrap can fit around the bottle you are using) and place it on top of the other sheet making a "sandwich" tape the corners of the "sandwhich" so that the rocks do not fall out of place.after this you want to tape the rock sandwhich around the bottle,then if you have a walmart around go to walmart and buy some dry ice put the dry ice in the bottle( dont put the lid on yet) get a cup of water and pour some in there put the lid on and you have around 10 seconds to get some where safe because that bottle is going to explode sending rocks and plastic everywhere at a very very fast speed and it will make a noise about as loud as a shotgun.have fun!!! -easy fun sqirtgun that has efect of napalm first you need to go to a local walmart and in the nail polish and remover section there should be some pure it,then get a squirt bottle and then you need to make a little fire and squirt it with the acetone after this (if done right) wen ever you spray the bottle fire will come out with the carefull though it is really hard to put out. -fun at school what you need: 1:a bunch of unflavored gelatin(can get it at any grocery store) 2:bout 2 days for it too work(do it on a friday) take alot of gelatin and boil it in a cup of water until its all dissolved,then go to school with it in a cantine or somethin and pour it into the will make the water in the toilet become jello, so when that go to take a crap or sumthin it just sits on top. -hydranize! This can be hard to find. Get some PURE ammonium hydroxide (component in ammonia, not pure enough) and pure chlorine or chlorine powder (as fine as possible). Mix them together OUTSIDE. This reaction creates chlorine gas and some other gas. When the mixture stops bubbling/steaming, Wait about 1.5 times the elapsed time and put it in an airtight container. That is your hydrazine. -easiest smoke bomb ever! get a chlorine tablet from your pool, a small one will do. spray it with hair spray and light it or crush the chlorine and mix w/ same amount of salt and put in paper towl and light it. now walk away because u dont want to breath it in it hurt! -do you want to rip off blockbuster? Next time you go to blockbuster check out their gamecube section. What I do is take like 5 or so games I want and then bring them to a secluded part of the store where the clerks can’t clearly see you and you have a good visual of the store. Next, squeeze the top part of the box and the flaps will overlap enough where you can pry them just far apart enough to stick a hand in the box without breaking the box or anything. Next, finger around in the box a little and push the cd off the little nob that holds it in place, then flip the box over, open the box and easily watch the game fall into your hands. Sometimes, Blockbuster even leaves some of the manuels in the original boxes too and u can take those as well and then sell the games for like $15 a piece. If you get good at it, it takes about 5-10 seconds depending on how hard the box is.Try to go to different stores too so they dont suspect you. And if you want to leave without renting something and not looking like you just cleaned them out, look for a movie that is gone on the shelf and ask a clerk if they have it...when they say no, act dissapointed and then walk out. Good Luck. -a good way to make acetone peroxide: what you will need: acetone 500-mL beaker ethyl ether eye dropper hydrogen peroxide graduated cylinder sulfuric acid separatory funnel distilled water stirring rod/stirrer thermometer To a 500-mL beaker add 50 mL of acetone, then stir in 30 mL of 30% hydrogen peroxide. Place the beaker in a salt-ice bath and cool it to 5 C. After cooling, slowly add 3 mL of 75% sulfuric acid drop by drop with an eye dropper. Stir the mixture continuously while adding the acid, keep the temperature between 5 C to 10 C, stop adding acid if the temperature gets to high. It is very important that you moderate the reaction, high temperatures will lower your yield and cause the formation of the less useful dicyclo isomer. After adding all the acid, continue stirring for 5 minutes. Keep the mixture in the bath for 1 to 3 hours, or even up to 24 hours. After sitting, a white precipitate should have formed. Filter the mixture to collect the crystals, then wash them with 300-500 mL of water. Allow the crystals to dry before using, keep them damp if storing. For increased purity, add the precipitate to ethyl ether and let it dissolve. Place the ethyl ether solution in a separatory funnel and wash by shaking with three portions of cold water. Add the ethyl ether solution to a beaker and heat it on a steam bath to evaporate the ethyl ether. It should take about 3 hours to dry. You will need a graduated cylinder for measuring liquids, a stirring rod or magnetic stirrer for mixing, and a thermometer to monitor the temperature. I would suggest making this explosive shortly before it is desired to use it as it is never wise to keep unstable primary explosives around too long. It can be stored rather safely under water for some time. If allowed to stand in the open it will vaporize after some weeks. If stored in a sealed container it may crystallize into the crevaces of the cap which could detonate from the friction of opening. Mixing with RDX, PETN, or picric acid will improve the stability of this explosive. -do you want tnt? ethyl alcohol 100/500/600-mL beakers nitric acid Buchner funnel sodium bisulfite graduated cylinder sulfuric acid pipet/buret toluene separatory funnel water stirrer/stirring rod thermometer Prepare a nitrating solution of 160 mL of 95% sulfuric acid and 105 mL of 75% nitric acid in a 500-mL beaker set in a salt-ice bath. Mix the acids very slowly to avoid the generation of too much heat. Allow the mixture to cool to room temperature. The acid mixture is slowly added dropwise, with a pipet or buret, to 115 mL of toluene in a 600-mL beaker while stirring rapidly. Maintain the temperature of the beaker during the addition at 30-40 C by using either a cold water or salt-ice bath. The addition should require 60-90 minutes. After the addition, continue stirring for 30 minutes without any cooling, then let the mixture stand for 8-12 hours in a separatory funnel. The lower layer will be spent acid and the upper layer should be mononitrotoluene, drain the lower layer and keep the upper layer. Dissolve one-half of the previously prepared mononitrotoluene and 60 mL of 95% sulfuric acid in a 500-mL beaker set in a cold water bath. Prepare a nitrating solution of 30 mL of 95% sulfuric acid and 36.5 mL of 95% nitric acid in a 100-mL beaker. Preheat the beaker of mononitrotoluene to 50 &DegC. Very slowly add the nitrating acid to the beaker of mononitrotoluene, with a pipet or buret, drop by drop while stirring rapidly. Regulate the rate of addition to keep the temperature of the reaction between 90-100 C. The addition will require about 1 hour. After the addition, continue stirring and maintaining the temperature at 90-100 C for 2 hours. If the beaker is allowed to stand, a layer of dinitrotoluene will separate, it is not necessary to separate the dinitrotoluene from the acid in this step. While stirring the beaker of dinitrotoluene, heated to 90 C, slowly add 80 mL of 100% fuming sulfuric acid, containing about 15% SO3, by pouring from a beaker. Prepare a nitrating solution of 40 mL of 100% sulfuric acid, with 15% SO3, and 50 mL of 99% nitric acid. Very slowly add the nitrating acid to the beaker of dinitrotoluene, with a pipet or buret, drop by drop while stirring rapidly. Regulate the rate of addition to keep the temperature of the reaction between 100-115 C. It may become necessary to heat the beaker after three-quarters of the acid has been added in order to sustain the 100-115 C temperature. The addition will require about 90-120 minutes. Maintain the stirring and temperature at 100-115 C for 2 hours after the addition is complete. Allow the beaker to sit undisturbed for 8-12 hours, it should form a solid mass of trinitrotoluene crystals. Pour the contents of the beaker over a Buchner funnel without any filter paper to collect the bulk of the crystals, save the acidic filtrate as well. Break up the collected crystals and wash them with water to remove any excess acid. Add the collected acid and wash filtrates to a large volume of water, this will cause any remaining trinitrotoluene to precipitate. Decant off as much of the water as possible and combine these crystals with the previous ones on the funnel. Drown the crystals in a large volume of water, filter to collect them, and wash several times with water. Wash the crystals by adding them to a beaker of water, heat the water enough to melt the crystals while stirring rapidly. Repeat the melting and stirring with a fresh batch of water three or four times to wash thoroughly. After the last washing, the trinitrotoluene is granulated by allowing it to cool slowly under hot water while the stirring is continued. Filter to collect the crystals and allow to dry. The TNT can be further purified by recrystallizing from ethyl alcohol, dissolve the crystals in 60 C and allow the solution to cool slowly. A second method of purification is to digest the TNT in 5 times its weight of 5% sodium bisulfite solution heated to 90 C while stirring rapidly for 30 minutes. Wash the crystals with hot water until the washings are colorless, then allow the crystals to granulate as before. You will need a graduated cylinder for measuring liquids, a stirring rod or magnetic stirrer for mixing, and a thermometer to monitor the temperature. -home made m-80: strong paper tube OR a pokemon card black powder or any powdery explosive 1 morning glory sparkler 1. Get the tube or roll up the card to a circular tube. 2. Then cap off the bottom with a matching piece of cardboard. 3. Then put in the powder. 4. For the fuse get the morning glory sparkler and take of the stick. Then cap the top with cardboard with a hole. Put the sparkler in the hole at the top. 50/50 chance it will work. But put it on the ground, light sparkler then run like hell and take cover! -moltiov cocktail: A)One of the simplest, effective and easily understood bomb what you need: -Glass bottle(do your parents drink wine?use the empty bottle) -rag how to use: 1.Take the bottle and fill it to about 3/4. 2.Take the rag and shove it down the neck of the bottle so its touching the fuel. 3.Light the rag and throw or leave it on the ground. -pure hydrogen: what you need: Mate Water, Car battery, 2x Insulated Wire,(the thicker the better), 2x Containers with lids, smalltub, rubber band, and draino. Plac water in tub and mix in a cap or two or draino (the draino is used as a catalyst). Cut about two inches of insulation off of each end of each of the wires. Connect one end of each wire to a terminal on the battery. Make hooks out of the other two ends of the wires. Fill the remaining two containers with water and place upside down in tub, making sure not to spill. Place the hooked ends in the water and up into the other containers. MAKE SURE THE WIRES ARE STILL IN THE WATER WHEN INSIDE THE TWO CONTAINERS. When the power is on the Hydrogen should bubble on the negative wire and into the container, and pure Oxygen on the positive wire, and into the container. You can use these two gasses for two things, one rocket fuel. Second a powerful hydrogen powered bomb. -lil ass flame thingy: go to wal mart or somethin and buy that lil thing of hand sanitizer gel,its mostly alchol so its flameable.squee about a 1/5 out then while still pressing down on the bottle light a match or something at the nozzle and let the bottle suck in air ,what it will do is suck in the flame and ignite the fumes inside and make a 3-7inch blue burst of flame it depends on the bottle size . -how to shut down your school computer system . just to make it clear, i am not responsable for anything you do. I am going to go slow for all you stupid people out there. You can only do this on a PC so if your school has nothing but macs, then forget about doing this. Right click on the desktop and select new. on the new pop-up menu click on short cut. where it says type in the name of the short cut (the box will allready be highlighted so just start typing) type in DOS. when the DOS prompt comes up, type in the command DIR (for directory). It will come up with a list of files including all the windows uninstallers. Then you can just uninstall windows from the network and your whole school district will be down since the network goes through every school (well, at least at my school). I would recommend you do this through someone elses account, and when there is no "authority" around. If you cant figure out someones password then just install a keylogger on the computer and you will be able to see all the keystrokes that have been made on that computer (you can download it off the internet for free, just go to google and type in keylogger) -explosive from asprin: to make a simple but very hight explosive, try this: picric acid from aspirine: get 20 aspirine tablets, crush in a bowl in a powder. add a teaspoon of water to make a past. add 2 tsp of etilic alcool and stir. filter this solution and save the cristalls. this is acetylsalicic acid. add this powder at 32ml of sulfuric acid, and heat it. now add 56 gr of saltpeter and stir. allow to cool and filter the solution. add ditilled water to this and purify the solution. save the cristall: this is a yellow compost, called picric acid. make plastic with this, simple melt with some vaselline heated. 90% picric acid and 10% vaseline. -make real napalm: What you need... * a 5 gallon bucket * Lots of styrafoam * 3 gallons of gasoline (the higher octane gas works best) Fill the bucket with styrophome.Slowly pour 1 gallon of gasoline into the bucket. The styrophome should start to dissolve. Do not pour any more gas into the mix until the styrophome is dissolved. Stir the mix around with a wooden spoon or something. If your mix is thick like silly-puddy, then add a little more gasoline, if it is too liquidy and runs, add more styrophome.The more gas you add, the more liquid-like the napalm becomes. The more styrophome you add, the more the mix becomes like play-doh.make sure not to get any on you, or your clothes or any thing of value. Extremely flamable and hard to put out. THATS ALL FOR NOW MORE WILL BE ADDED LATER!!!

want more info on making bombs and punk incs skate team

more info on making explosives
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