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PuNk RoCk'R

My name's Sarah and Im 15 years old. suprize suprize... I have 1 sister, Megan, shes 19, 1 brother, Will, hes 16, and a total dick, and a step-brother, Luke, and hes 14. My mom just got remarried june 13th. My sister and her fiance are gettin hitch'd some time in September of 2005 but i dont know the date yet, but, Im really excited for her!! I like some sports, but I really like soccer more than anything, cuz its a sport that I can be realli aggressive in. I like punk/rock music, like Good Charlotte, Sum 41, Simple Plan, A.F.I. and bands like them... im not a goth... I dont like preps... and im not the kinda person that has a lot of friendz, i usually isolate myself... no im kidding, i have lots of friends, but they live in my head... lol :p... Tasha, ur the bestest friend n e 1 cud ever have! Beau, ur muh little buddy!! i miss you lots!!!! Makayla, ur the bestest, and so funny! ;) if you couldnt tell, obviously i kinda have a thing called a crush on benji from good charlotte.. so yea.. now, anyways.. go do something that matters and might actually make a difference! SMILEZ FER EVERYONE! :-)

SuM oF mUh FaVe SiTeS...

Good Charlotte
MTV (s.n.: BenjisValentyne)
Funni Quiz's
