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The Orion Nebula (M42) is what you see above. It is the biggest Nebula in the sky and can be seen with the naked eye. The best time to see the Orion Nebula is after 9:00 on a clear night.(January is the best time of the year to see it) The Orion Nebula is located about 1500 and 1600 light years away. It's located near the Celestial Equator,(the imaginary line in space directly above the earth's equator) its stars can be seen by nearly everyone in both the north and south hemisphere. It extends 66x60 arc minutes, covers four times the area of the moon, and has a diameter of 30 light years. (180 trillion miles) The gas of the Nebula is created by hot young stars that are only 25 000 years old. The Orion Nebula is many different colours. The interior is mostly yellow because the red light of exited hydrogen is fused together with green emission from oxygen. The Orion Belt is made up of three stars, Mintaka (smallest), Alnitak, and Alnilam(biggest and brightest).