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  • The Ska Rockets
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    Welcome friends, fans, and family (mostly family) to the Official Public Transportation Website. For now, we're being hosted by Angelfire, but you can change that if you so chose. All you have to do is click on the Contact button, and send us some damn money.

      October 2, 2006
      Sadly PT has temporarily been split. Jake and Chris are both college students now, attending UMaine studying business and pre-med, respectively. Rob joined the army in April of 04, and is currently stationed in Alaska. He will be deployed to Iraq within the month. His contract will be up in 2008, when Jake and Chris are scheduled to graduate, and hopefully we shall see a reunion.

      January, 11 2004
      We've got some new pics of a practice we had today. I'm trying to get some put up of the skate park show from way back but my scanner sucks. So yeah... this is an update, so you know where still going. We've got a song or two in the writing process... so we're not dead... just lazy.

      October 18, 2003
      In an attempt to get jake some chicks up at WCCC, we will be playing a gig at an open mic there on the 21st. Only 2/3 of PT will be there and its going to be an acoustic set... so it should be interesting. Also, we have lyrics to a new song posted in the, believe it or not, songs section.

      October 7, 2003
      Hey, we finally have another show! Its going to be November 1st, at the Ellsworth YMCA in the new skate park that's being built there. We'll be playing along with The Ska Rockets, You First, TDPDT, Scary Mary, and The Jimmies.

      September 8, 2003
      The show on the 5th at the Kave went very well. Thankyou to everyone that came and to all the other bands for putting on such a great show. We didn't get any pictures for the site, so if anyone took any, please contact us. If you missed it, we played:
      1. Riot
      2. 20 Flight Rock*
      3. I'm With You
      4. Living For Me
      5. Dammit*
      6. I Can't Live Without You
      7. Carousel*
      8. Touch Myself*
      (*'s being covers). So yeah... we have no shows scheduled right now, so feel free to hook us up ;)

      August 29, 2003
      Ok, the this friday's show at Blue Hill is canceled... again. But we have a new show scheduled for September 5th, 6:00pm at the Kave in Bucksport. We'll be playing with Third Person, Animal Suit Drive By, The Devil Plays Doctor on Tuesday and the Ska Rockets.

      August 13, 2003
      Well, it looks like the show on the 16th is canceled, but fear not, for we have another show scheduled for the 29th in Blue Hill. Check out the super sexy new T-Shirts, for $10, which you should be able to buy from us at our shows, or from Jake if you happen to see him. In other news, I(Rob) have signed up for the Army with a Ranger contract, and I'll be shipping out to Fort Benning on April 15.

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