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Spencer and Chase's Anarchists Movment

Two anarchist's rants.

1. Anarchism- a movement organized on the belief that society should be run entirely by voluntary, organized groups and not by the political state. I belive that this is a good definition, because it states that there should be no one leader over everyone.-Chase 2. With the upcoming election, i feel it is nessacary to speak on which canidate is the best. Which one do you think will give the people more freedom? Neither of the two main runners are interested in giving the power of ruling to the people. If only there was a government official out there who stood for the people, one that once he gained the office he would declare a free state and let the people rule themselves.-Chase 3. Ack, i hate these freaking people who walk around saying "Yeah I believe in anarchy, that makes me cool right?" Anarchy is in no way a way to become cool. However, most people into anarchy are people who arent exactly socialy accepted, and thats the way they want it to be. If I hear one more little poser say that they want to be anarchist, and when you tell them what it means they ask "Well can I still be a patriotic person?" i'm going to rip their little patriotic heads off of their flagtoting shoulders and impale it onto the top of a flag pole!!!-Chase 4.Spencer For the bureaucrat, the world is a mere object to be manipulated by him-Karl Marx If your a complete ignorant american puppet then you probably have no idea who Karl Marx is he is one of the fathers of out spoken minds he was one of the first to express what he believed was wrong no matter what people claim to be right. 5.Spencer Ignorant.blind.back-stabbing.masses followers of the american law you think what we're all writing is all opionated slobber but its all provable facts and if you must become offended and take up for your media controled country then email us we will reply! thank you faithful followers and those of you that are blind thank you to for the hate mail (rednecks) Spencer again-most of what i write about is very politcal and anti-media based well im going to touch a different subject...abuse.neglect.loliness.pain..having so much hatred for a person you could have thought the world of.....then to see every little media controlled smile raight in your face it hurts and im sorry that my experience with that type of pain has only led me to 2 ways for help....apathism-dulling of all feelings at one time important and anarchy to maybe one day stop those ignorant smiles........