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Lets Get it Right : By Richard

Verse 1
You looked really good yesterday, I think it was your lip gloss. Remember when I did break up with you? That was my greatest loss. That very next day I felt so very stupid and when I did that I think I killed cupid.
Verse 2
Last year I was so retarded I think it was my ego. Look at our relationship this year, and now…..HERE WE GO!It didn’t work out then, because I didn’t know that when we were together, it was better then ever.
I’ll love you forever and ever. So lets just be together, together. I’ll never go down without a fight. So lets just stick together, lets get it right.
Now we are up and they are down we took our turn. We paid the price and now its time for them to learn. We are so happy they are so sad, the was that you danced with me was really rad.
I think it was my ego. Look at our relationship this year, and now…..HERE WE GO!
It didn’t work out then, because I didnt know that when we were together, it was better then ever

Mulligan By Matt
Verse 1
Why did it have to happen this why? Why couldn’t we just stay? What we called a Friendship is now gone. What I did was very wrong. Please forget those things I said, from the start they were all Stupid. I never wanted it like this, you threw me the warning but I missed
Our friendship is now gone, what I did was very wrong. So little time so much to do , look at the shit we’re goin’ through. (repeat twice)
Verse 2
All I’m looking for is one more try, not another friendship lie. The good times we had are in the past. The time on the clock is going fast. Not having a friendship with you makes me want to puke. Lets try it one more time, lets try it one more TIME!
Our friendship is now gone, what I did was very wrong. So little time so much to do , look at the shit we’re goin’ through. (repeat twice)

Nut Mag (Maggot) By: Matt

My personal favorite ~Luci
Verse 1
I’m sick of all your whining, your constant lying, its getting old. Your attitude id getting on my nerves, because it really hurts to see him down.
Verse 2
Before you were with him we were the best of friends, we were always together, but now it all depends. Friendship can fall apart quick and you did it you stupid bitch.
Why are you so very selfish? You probably cant even help it. Why can you leave him alone? Please leave him alone.
Verse 3
It’s not like your gonna get married, so please quit pestering Eric. Relation ships don’t last long, yours is very wrong!!!!

Why are you so very selfish? You probably cant even help it. Why cant you leave him alone? Please leave him alone!

The Edge of Eternity By: Matt

Verse 1
Not knowing the truth, it angers me. Give me a sign, then let me be. Guide me through this tunnel of darkness. Confusion is a felling of constancy.
Verse 2
This tunnel of darkness I’ll never get through. I’ve been here so long I should know what to do. Waiting for your sign, and getting impatient. I don’t think I should waste my time one you.
I’m standing here on the edge of eternity. Please GOD show me what will happen to me. Will all my mistakes please be forgotten? Or will they all turn they’re backs on me?
Verse 3
The answers to life are all I want. Not knowing my eternity is a constant taunt. Why cant everything just be the same, the same as it was when life was a game.
I’m standing here on the edge of eternity. Please GOD show me what will happen to me. Will all my mistakes please be forgotten? Or will they all turn they’re backs on me?

Someone Else By: Matt
Look at you walking away from problems like you don’t know how to solve them but you do. Watching you search for your past thinking it would always last Its not true.
Just act like the human being you are. Don’t try to be like someone else, you try so hard. The worst times are past and better will come. No one will try to make you become……SOMeONE ELSE!
Look at you search for your inner self, but you cant really tell which is you. Watching you struggle with your life, not knowing what will come in time.
Just act like the human being you are. Don’t try to be like someone else, you try so hard. The worst times are past and better will come. No one will try to make you become……SOMONE ELSE!

Don’t Look Back By: Matt

When three years pass away people tend to change their personalities hobbies what they do everyday.
The changes could be good or the changes could be bad the best friends they were are now the worst friends you’ve had
Look for your future not your past the friendships you had will not last the lives you used to help really don’t matter but when you leave their lives begin to shatter.
Dont look back when there’s nothing left try not to remember the friendships that weren’t kept
Look for your future not your past the friendships you had will not last the lives you used to help really don’t matter but when you leave their lives begin to shatter.