This is an AIM conversation between two idiotic teenagers who have no lives. It's uber-retarded, but actually kind of funny. Enjoy, fucker.

p4NkUr0KkU: Hell yeah.
vades asylum: helllllll yeaaaa
vades asylum: sup dawg?
p4NkUr0KkU: Shut the fuck up.
vades asylum: she said
vades asylum: i'm going fucking deaf
vades asylum: you're always too loud
vades asylum: everything's too loud
p4NkUr0KkU: That was the best Blink-182 song ever. XD
vades asylum: blink is more hardcore than good charlotte
p4NkUr0KkU: I know. It's funny.
vades asylum: and j00 dream about dating one of them
p4NkUr0KkU: Aw shaddap. X3 Dreams are gay.
vades asylum: i'm gay
vades asylum: i'm a dream
p4NkUr0KkU: Yeah, Nikki's a dream come true.
vades asylum: woohoo
vades asylum: love me!! xDD
p4NkUr0KkU: *loves you*
p4NkUr0KkU: *loves you to your death*
vades asylum: x________x
vades asylum: i am reading the most hilarious fanfic ever
p4NkUr0KkU: About...?
vades asylum: GHEY TRENT REZNOR PR0N
p4NkUr0KkU: Oh my fucking god, I've read that XD
p4NkUr0KkU: It's written by some horny guy with no life.
p4NkUr0KkU: Who wants to fuck Trent.
p4NkUr0KkU: Dammit, I wanna fuck Trent.
vades asylum: write a fanfic
vades asylum: they're real fucking magical
p4NkUr0KkU: How about no.
p4NkUr0KkU: I suck at writing fanfics XD
vades asylum: the guy who wrote this one was probably masturbating while writing
p4NkUr0KkU: Hahaha.
p4NkUr0KkU: He was typing with one hand.
vades asylum: right hand
p4NkUr0KkU: Of course. XD
vades asylum: i like that guy in the white stripes
p4NkUr0KkU: Jack?
vades asylum: yeaa
vades asylum: amazing it's only a 2 person band
p4NkUr0KkU: Amazing alright.
p4NkUr0KkU: They don't have bass, waiwai.
vades asylum: sounds cool anyways
p4NkUr0KkU: Whattabout Meg? I like Meg.
vades asylum: she plays pretty damn good drums
p4NkUr0KkU: I know.
p4NkUr0KkU: Let's try having a two-person band XD
vades asylum: lol
vades asylum: but you can only play bass
vades asylum: and i can only play drums
vades asylum: where's the guitar?
p4NkUr0KkU: I can learn the guitar.
p4NkUr0KkU: I'll play bass and guitar at the same time.
vades asylum: great
vades asylum: let's call ourselves the black stripes
vades asylum: our colors shall be black and puce
p4NkUr0KkU: Why puce?
vades asylum: i dunno
p4NkUr0KkU: Puce is ugly.
p4NkUr0KkU: Ugly as shit.
p4NkUr0KkU: Shit!
vades asylum: looks good with black
p4NkUr0KkU: Everything fucking looks good with black.
p4NkUr0KkU: That's why black owns.
vades asylum: owns your ass
p4NkUr0KkU: My ass.
p4NkUr0KkU: Keanu's ass.
vades asylum: That was the best part of the whole fucking movie.
vades asylum: Better than the fighting scenes.
p4NkUr0KkU: I can only disagree.
vades asylum: you actually got a tit shot in that movie too
p4NkUr0KkU: Haha, yeah, I know.
vades asylum: bryan says he wants to ass-rape avril
p4NkUr0KkU: Tell him Jessica says, "Rawk on."
vades asylum: lmao
vades asylum: ok
vades asylum: all the women in lotr show too much fucking cleavage
p4NkUr0KkU: Exposing their hidden valleys of the elves... or something.
vades asylum: lol
vades asylum: cleavage is now rivendell to me, thanks
p4NkUr0KkU: Yes.
p4NkUr0KkU: "Like, ohmigod, I got this ultra-cute tanktop that shows off my Rivendell!"
vades asylum: LMAO
vades asylum: got lots of it
p4NkUr0KkU: Aw fuck, you've never seen my boobies.
p4NkUr0KkU: ... Have you?
vades asylum: yes
vades asylum: there's pictures of you naked all over the internet
p4NkUr0KkU: Eek. How the fuck did that happen? TELL ME.
vades asylum: teddy put them up everywhere
p4NkUr0KkU: He never saw me naked either! What the fuck?
vades asylum: you're lying
vades asylum: liar
vades asylum: you'reeeee in suspensionnnnn
p4NkUr0KkU: You are gay. I'm not lying. And stop singing the Sex Pistols, goddammit!
vades asylum: action figure sid has seen you naked
p4NkUr0KkU: Glad you brought that up. o.o
vades asylum: me too
p4NkUr0KkU: Oh ho, check this shit out:

Red Cell 4: the caps of your name say NUKU! and lowers say pakru your pakru NUKU
vades asylum: yea pankru nuku
vades asylum: rawk on
p4NkUr0KkU: You were supposed to say that to Bryan-Kun, fucker.
vades asylum: shit
vades asylum: i suck
p4NkUr0KkU: Indeed you do.
p4NkUr0KkU: Action figure Sid says you need to burn in hell =O
vades asylum: awwwww
vades asylum: he's so cute
vades asylum: you two should get married
p4NkUr0KkU: Married? Again? Woowoo.
vades asylum: and have lots of babies
p4NkUr0KkU: How the fuck do you have babies with an action figure?
vades asylum: i dunno
vades asylum: but i bet it's possible
p4NkUr0KkU: Action figure Sid says you're a fuckhead.
vades asylum: woohoooooo
vades asylum: i is fuckhead
vades asylum: i r0x0r
p4NkUr0KkU: The s0x0rs.
vades asylum: mmhmm
vades asylum: we need lives
p4NkUr0KkU: No duh.
p4NkUr0KkU: Action figure Sid says he has no life either cuz he's a fucking action figure.
vades asylum: yay
vades asylum: i now denounce you husband and wife
p4NkUr0KkU: Huzzah!
p4NkUr0KkU: *kisses action figure Sid* We'll honeymoon in Iraq.
vades asylum: omfg
vades asylum: so romantic
p4NkUr0KkU: Very.
p4NkUr0KkU: We'll stay in Saddam's former palace.
vades asylum: yey
vades asylum: you can make babies there
p4NkUr0KkU: I don't want no fucking babies!
p4NkUr0KkU: Action figure Sid is winking at me.
vades asylum: he always winks
p4NkUr0KkU: I know.
p4NkUr0KkU: Amazing how he holds his eye shut that long.
vades asylum: there should be steve jones action figures
p4NkUr0KkU: Why Steve?
vades asylum: dunno
vades asylum: he can be your first child
p4NkUr0KkU: .......... You mean I married Sid Vicious and gave birth to Steve Jones?
p4NkUr0KkU: That's very, very fucked.
p4NkUr0KkU: That's so fucked it isn't even funny.
p4NkUr0KkU: Nikki, you are so fucked.
vades asylum: fucker
p4NkUr0KkU: Exactly.
p4NkUr0KkU: I am a revenant.
vades asylum: YOU'RE BRODY
vades asylum: KICKASS
p4NkUr0KkU: Yes. And I'm kicking YOUR ass next.
vades asylum: aw fuck
vades asylum: please don't kick my ass mrs. vicious
p4NkUr0KkU: What a gay name, Jessica Vicious. I need a cool nickname.
vades asylum: JOHNNY
p4NkUr0KkU: That wouldn't sound right.
p4NkUr0KkU: Johnny dun wanna marry Sid.
p4NkUr0KkU: Besides, I'm female.
vades asylum: ...... you're FEMALE?
vades asylum: omfg i never knew
p4NkUr0KkU: *beats you to the ground for that*
p4NkUr0KkU: I thought you said you've seen my fucking boobies.
p4NkUr0KkU: Liar.
p4NkUr0KkU: You're in suspension.
vades asylum: dammit
vades asylum: fuck you
p4NkUr0KkU: Heh.
p4NkUr0KkU: Ever heard of Sonic X?
vades asylum: yes
vades asylum: teh sonikku anime will rock my toes
p4NkUr0KkU: http://www.sonicanime.net/p_chris.jpg

Meester Thorndyke!
vades asylum: omg
vades asylum: he's cute
vades asylum: he's cuter than hillary
p4NkUr0KkU: Wow. That must be really cute.
vades asylum: i love his hair
vades asylum: but he has no fashion sense
p4NkUr0KkU: Haha, yeah, I know.
p4NkUr0KkU: He needs better clothes.
vades asylum: let's give him a god save the queen jacket
p4NkUr0KkU: Nuu.
p4NkUr0KkU: Then he'll never marry Magan.
vades asylum: he's gonna marry magan?
p4NkUr0KkU: of course
vades asylum: I WANNA BE MARRIED
p4NkUr0KkU: Go marry Steve Jones.
vades asylum: you want me to marry your son?
p4NkUr0KkU: That's even more fucked.
p4NkUr0KkU: Action figure Sid says you're a big fuckhead who needs to die.
vades asylum: you two need to make more babies
p4NkUr0KkU: I don't think it'll work out.
vades asylum: awwwwwwwwww ;________;
vades asylum: will magan and chris ever make babies?
p4NkUr0KkU: Action figure Sid says hell no, you really are fucked, bitch.
vades asylum: he called me bitch
vades asylum: what the fuck?
p4NkUr0KkU: Bitch bitch bitch.
p4NkUr0KkU: I call you bitch.
vades asylum: HO HO HO
vades asylum: i call you ho
vades asylum: santa claus is vulgar
p4NkUr0KkU: I know.
p4NkUr0KkU: Never trust him.
vades asylum: http://www.gheysites.com/
p4NkUr0KkU: Yay! Ghey!
vades asylum: i want to marry a gay guy
p4NkUr0KkU: You're a MAN? A gay man? Wow.
vades asylum: ho
p4NkUr0KkU: Bitch.
p4NkUr0KkU: You cannot marry my son-- eh, Steve, then.
p4NkUr0KkU: You can marry Mr. Sophuncleanliness
vades asylum: yay
vades asylum: life is good
p4NkUr0KkU: Life is great.
vades asylum: life is so beautiful
p4NkUr0KkU: Oi!
vades asylum: OI OI
p4NkUr0KkU: I need to create a ska character.
p4NkUr0KkU: I dunno why.
vades asylum: woohoo
vades asylum: ska sucks
p4NkUr0KkU: You suck you suck you suck the duck
p4NkUr0KkU: *.
vades asylum: *sucks teh duck*
p4NkUr0KkU: Oh fuck, stoppit!
p4NkUr0KkU: Stop sucking the fucking duckling!
vades asylum: o-o
vades asylum: *sucks a chicken instead*
p4NkUr0KkU: Well, I guess that's okay.
vades asylum: http://www.gheysites.com/reviews/studio8.html
vades asylum: LMAO
p4NkUr0KkU: XD
p4NkUr0KkU: The guy with the turquoise hair is cute.
p4NkUr0KkU: Too bad he's ghey.
vades asylum: JIM
vades asylum: or is it Jimmy?
p4NkUr0KkU: He'd make a better Jimmy.
vades asylum: Yeah.
p4NkUr0KkU: "People are always calling us punk rock when we are walking around in the mall, but Jimmy and I have decided that we are definitely more emo then punk rock."

- Jim and Jimmy, American Eagle

That's the most hilarious quote ever.
vades asylum: XDDDDD i knoww
p4NkUr0KkU: Poor Ghey Jimmy.
p4NkUr0KkU: *hugs Ghey Jimmy* I swear I would marry him if he wasn't a ghey poser.
p4NkUr0KkU: Too fucking cute. XD
vades asylum: awwww
p4NkUr0KkU: Am I insane?
vades asylum: yus
p4NkUr0KkU: Good.
p4NkUr0KkU: I thought there was something wrong with me.
p4NkUr0KkU: Sid cannot sing.
p4NkUr0KkU: In fact, he sucks.
p4NkUr0KkU: I can't stop listening to his music.
vades asylum: oh, i know, have you heard my way?
vades asylum: he's trying to be johnny rotten or something
p4NkUr0KkU: So not like the Sex Pistols. Lovely, nonetheless.
vades asylum: yep
p4NkUr0KkU: Chris could give Ghey Jimmy therapy.
p4NkUr0KkU: Then Ghey Jimmy will be healed!
p4NkUr0KkU: And I can marry him.
vades asylum: YEA
vades asylum: GO CHRISKKU
p4NkUr0KkU: Did you just call him Chriskku?
vades asylum: yes
p4NkUr0KkU: Wow.
p4NkUr0KkU: You're funny.
vades asylum: am i?
vades asylum: really?
vades asylum: wooooooooooooo
vades asylum: i own
p4NkUr0KkU: You so do not own, bitch.
vades asylum: stop calling me bitch, you ho
p4NkUr0KkU: We're weird friends. We call eachother bitch and ho.
p4NkUr0KkU: And asshole, you asshole.
vades asylum: yeah, i know
vades asylum: and i have the privlage to marry you to an action figure
vades asylum: being your friend
p4NkUr0KkU: Damn you.
p4NkUr0KkU: Action figure Sid says your mother sucks cocks in hell.
vades asylum: Action figure Sid should shut up.
vades asylum: or else i'll go over there right now and rip his fucking head off
p4NkUr0KkU: NUU.
p4NkUr0KkU: I'll call the police on you.
p4NkUr0KkU: You'll go to jail for murdering my husband.
vades asylum: i'll get a lawyer
vades asylum: named miles prower
p4NkUr0KkU: Tails is not a fucking lawyer! .... I don't think. o.o
vades asylum: he became one
p4NkUr0KkU: That's retarded.
p4NkUr0KkU: You'd have a very bad lawyer.
p4NkUr0KkU: I'd still win, bwahahaha.
p4NkUr0KkU: What do the White Stripes do in concert?
p4NkUr0KkU: I mean, there's only two of them.
vades asylum: do they even have fucking concerts?
p4NkUr0KkU: Dunno.
p4NkUr0KkU: Doesn't every music artist?
vades asylum: no
vades asylum: we're music artists
vades asylum: we dun have fucking concerts
p4NkUr0KkU: I can't believe you just called our band "music artists."
p4NkUr0KkU: Action figure Sid says hahaha.
vades asylum: GOD
vades asylum: i'm gonna murder him
vades asylum: i swear
p4NkUr0KkU: And get yourself a gay lawyer.
vades asylum: Tails is gay?
p4NkUr0KkU: Hell yeah.
p4NkUr0KkU: He likes Amy.
vades asylum: Amy's a man?
p4NkUr0KkU: Yeah.
p4NkUr0KkU: A gay man.
p4NkUr0KkU: Who loves Sonikku.
vades asylum: ohhhhh
vades asylum: it all makes sense now
vades asylum: amy's a sexy man
p4NkUr0KkU: Action figure Sid says you're a whore.
vades asylum: >.<;;;
p4NkUr0KkU: Hahaha.
vades asylum: I hope action figure Sid gets raped
vades asylum: by you
p4NkUr0KkU: You are a whore.
p4NkUr0KkU: Loser.
p4NkUr0KkU: Fucker.
p4NkUr0KkU: Shit.
p4NkUr0KkU: Elephant.
vades asylum: cockroach
p4NkUr0KkU: Eww.
p4NkUr0KkU: I hate roaches.
vades asylum: papa roach
p4NkUr0KkU: Hate them too.
p4NkUr0KkU: They suck ass.
vades asylum: no they don't
vades asylum: lovehatetragedy
vades asylum: rawr
p4NkUr0KkU: Suck.
vades asylum: whatever
vades asylum: ho
p4NkUr0KkU: Bitch.
p4NkUr0KkU: This is great. We just keep insulting eachother and insulting eachother...
p4NkUr0KkU: Next time I IM Magan, I'm gonna say, "'Sup, you fucking whorey bitch?"
vades asylum: even more insulting
vades asylum: send her this convo
p4NkUr0KkU: ... Hell yeah!
vades asylum: hell yeaaaaa
vades asylum: woo
p4NkUr0KkU: Moo.
p4NkUr0KkU: Ptoo.
vades asylum: paul cook is so 1337
p4NkUr0KkU: Indeed.
p4NkUr0KkU: |>4u1 (00k. W00w00.
p4NkUr0KkU: Famous for this quote:

vades asylum: *clapclap*
vades asylum: he had such a way with words
p4NkUr0KkU: I like The Ramones.
vades asylum: me too
vades asylum: Action figure Sid says you have a sexy rivendell
p4NkUr0KkU: o_o
p4NkUr0KkU: Scared.
p4NkUr0KkU: *throws him out the window*
vades asylum: HAHAHA
p4NkUr0KkU: Aw fuck.
p4NkUr0KkU: Fuck fuck.
p4NkUr0KkU: I'm in deep shit.
p4NkUr0KkU: *kills self*
vades asylum: noooooo jessie don't goooooo
p4NkUr0KkU: =P
vades asylum: =(
p4NkUr0KkU: Haha.
p4NkUr0KkU: ... Bitch.
p4NkUr0KkU: You're in suspension. o.o
vades asylum: shut up
p4NkUr0KkU: Ghey Jimmy: ;_;
vades asylum: Chris: *pats Ghey Jimmy*
p4NkUr0KkU: Ghey Jimmy needs love.
vades asylum: you go love him, jessica
vades asylum: you love the world
p4NkUr0KkU: Oh yeah.
p4NkUr0KkU: I have a huge crush on the world.
vades asylum: XD
vades asylum: i gtg
vades asylum: corey wants on
vades asylum: plus i have homework
p4NkUr0KkU: You didn't finish your homework?
p4NkUr0KkU: Haha, you suck.
vades asylum: fuck you
vades asylum: goodnight
p4NkUr0KkU: Nightnight, Nikki-Chan.
p4NkUr0KkU: Happy trails.
vades asylum: hell yeah
vades asylum signed off at 10:14:18 PM.