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Sunday December 8th, 2002

Starting a log of our every sunday skate sessions. Today we go to Mcdonalds around 10:30am as usual for brunch, then we take off to Kahuku, our normal skating ground, we will call this our home base, cuz ya it is. every sunday we come here and skate, your thinking same spot skating every sunday? sounds boring, well.. Occasionally we skate the skateparks, & travel, but sundays we are home base, and so the log's say. If a skate session occures elsewhere I will include it here as well, but for now.. sundays, normal training ground. Ok well, this sunday started off at the 3 stair for warm-ups, then headed over to the gym, skate the benches & shit. Cid filming himself as usual, the other skater's arrive from northshore, around 12 of us are skating & cruzing the usual as we always do. Cid get's frustrated because he can't get his run started, lol I thought it was hilarious. He probably spent all day trying to get it right. Cid's comment on his run that day was "Damn it all to hell". Tyler Landed a BS 180 Indy off the bench, then tries for a FS 180 to switch 5.0, sticks it! but does not come off. Occasionally we took breaks, to eat and drink, and bust a freestyle, sickest freestyle battle going down. Everyone else did some pretty sick dope shiz, but I don't remember everything. Cid & the rest of the skater's leave to go skate the Elementary, outkast stays behind & cruz, yet we are all tired so we just sat on the bench talking for awhile, then 5:30pm we were outties. This is a pretty normal sunday, there is more funny shit that happens, but consider this an intro log. Next log will include the whole shitload of chaos & funny shit.

Sunday December 15th, 2002

Today was alittle different then usual. First we get there.. Cruz until the others show up, start warming up in front of kahuku gym.. soon as you know it everyones here, We had the box, kicker, and rail to ride today. So we got some good footage, clips. Trick of the day was dude from northshore, launches kicker, kickflip's over fire highdrant. It was pretty sick, everyone else did some mean ass shit. Shawn Land's his 3flip finally, all stoked. Cid had to leave for work early.. um.. what else to say.. Oh ya! the event of the day was of course our Freestyle rap, Tyler vs. Jesse, Freestyle battle. Jesse started bringing it hard, I was kinda stomped. Then once I got warmed up there was no stopping me from destroying some property, abc 123. hehe. Then we kept at it on and on for 2hrs! listening off of shawns car radio.. Then when time to leave, shawns car battery died, Yup it was all our freestylin fault. The time was 6pm we were stuck. But i had my truck,.. so went home to get jumpers to get shawns car back up and running.. worked out fine, then we all got the hell outta there. Then end of the damn sunday day, yes this section of my site sucks and its boring.. I mean who wants to read about our fuckin day? but oh well i dont give a fuck. so fuck off. peace out!

Sunday December 22th, 2002

Today, was alright, but who gives a shit? ok well just for the record. Kahuku as usual.. but today was different.. we skated for about 2 hrs there, then the boyz in blue came, thats right, the cops, They kicked our ass outta there. Outkast once again! so ya, its all good.. 2 cops kicked us out, so we headed for the elemantary to skate there, and thats where it happen. Sesh at the EL. I took some beatings, doing a bs 180 indy off the 5 stair. hitting the ground like a ton of bricks, got brused fucked up, but hey thats the way it is eh?. at the end of the day, Cid does a switch ollie off the 5 stair A building.. fuggs up his right foot. He cannot walk now. But in time,.. will heal. So ya then 6, caught bus back home, day ends.

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