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: Beware The Twizzle! :

The glorious day has arrived... WE HAVE MP3!!!
Check lyrics section

Only Twice...
Only Twice is most basically defined as 4 fat kids with guitars and a drum kit. As a fusion of grunge, punk, hip-hop and metal, Only Twice covers the whole rock and roll genre.

Iain Morris, the lead vocalist sings, raps and screams his way into the hearts of his many admirers.

Sandy Power plays guitar, but wouldn't mind doing vocals, bass and drums as well. Hairy beast, hasn't anyone told that guy that the 60s are over?

Martyn Rollo is the
bassist with no spine...

Paul Annan is the wee dude drummer.


I've made this new design for the site and think it looks a lot better. It may take longer to load because of more images, so I will think about making a text only version too. Please, post your opinions in the forum.

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