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SuperDeeDoperFoShezzy Glasses

things that come with glasses

These are are e-mail address so if you have any questions feel free to email one of us!

hi my name is olivia martinucci and i work for and we have came up with the newest and coolest product. we have created glasses that you can have fun with. we call these glasses SuperDeeDooperFoSheezy Glasses. theses glasses are here to reveloutionize the way you look at things. these glasses cost $280.00

you have different chips to download to these glasses. these prices depend on what chip you buy.

movies/tv- this allows you to watch movies on your glasses. that cost for the movies is $40 for the chip and $10 for each movie. tv chip cost $90

style- gives you confidence to dress the way you want or giv you the confidence to dress different. the cost is $22 .

flexi lens- this chip can let you see farther. focuses in to something that is far away. kind of like a telescope. $80 for prescription glasses and $72 for un prescription glasses.

secruity- this device helps you by not worrying...the glasses register to your face the first time to your pupils, you punch in a code and you have at least two sercruity attacks 1. turns off the glasses 2.or type in a code and let the person only see the movies or tv if you have that chip

these lenses r non breakable and non scratchable.....these glasses were made to help all type of kids and adults find there real self and not be scared of who the really are.

Thank you for visting O.K.A.H.'s website for thier newest invention called SuperDeeDoperFoShezzy Glasses. These glasses are the newest style for kids and adults!

If you have any questions or would like to order a pair please feel free to e-mail one of us. we take all master credit card.

thank you

O.K.A.H incorporated

"Copyrighted 2003 O.K.A.H. Incorporated"

this is not a real product