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HEY we are THE INVASION a three(two right now) piece punk band, we live in hampton or atleast i do the rest of the guys live in newport news VA. GO sign the guestbook!

3/22/03 HEY! Im in a good mood today, jesus is alive, im listening to the blackjacks and we had a great practice! be on the look out for mp3's and shows, IF we find a drummer, right now we have some doing drums for a while but we really need a for sure drummer that wants to do this...OI!

OI! HEY, whts up everyone! Ok some stuff about the band: we aren't doing much besides writing LOTS of songs right now. We are hoping to do some recording soon. We are still looking for a drummer! HE ( or she) most be willing to play real punk rock, and be almost good at it, atleast..GO SIGN THE GUESTBOOK! OI!

OI! OK i think we are changing our name(again). We are still the same people with the same sound.The new name is up top, new icon coming too.OI!

OI! We are masters at procrastnation! Zak is in Texas right now and im leaving for florida in a week and a half! We need a drummer. things are slow! still writing tons of songs! Hopefuly getting off this worthless ground we've been standing on for a year now and getting out there into the music world!OI!

OI! We might be getting some recording down sunday!!! OI! OI! up the punx!

OI!AS usual things sucked. Recording was horrible. one songs came out kinda ok...maybe its because we haven't practiced in for ever...OR maybe it was becuase we don't have a drummer! (If you are a drummer contatct me!!!) When I get back we are gonna get bill to do our recording so we should have something better. It wasn't deans falt that the recording sucked. it was us...Read the new lyrics, don't take them! they are copyright! SIGN THE GUESTBOOK PLEASE!

OK, it is a sad day for humanity....All you subject to change, the aka, the bandcamprejects, odd man out, The invasion fans go find you a new band to like.... We are breaking up. We always sucked anyways. Look for a hardcore side project by zak, I might play guitar for him for a little while, and I (josh) we be working on finding or starting a new punk band. Lets get one final oi. OI!. I might be making this site a punk site for other bands and art and good stuff like that.

josh's bio

zak's bio







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