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Mallori's live Journal

Hey guys its me. I got tired of other people having a live journal and me not having one, so I made a ghetto version of one :-). Plus I dont have to repeat my stories over and over to people when shit happens to me, I'll just tell them to go here to read WTF is up. I hope you enjoy reading about me hehe. Oh yes just incase you were wondering a nymph is... (nimf) , Related: Folklore, in Greek mythology, female divinity associated with various natural objects. It is uncertain whether they were immortal or merely long-lived. There was an infinite variety of nymphs. Some represented various localities, e.g., acheloids, or nymphs of the River Achelous; others were identified with the part of nature in which they dwelled, e.g., oreads, or mountain nymphs; and still others were associated with a particular function of nature, e.g., hamadryads, or tree nymphs, whose lives began and ended with that of a particular tree. Nymphs were represented as young, beautiful, musical, amorous, and gentle, although some were associated with the wilder aspects of nature and were akin to satyrs; others were vengeful and capable of destruction, as in the story of Daphne . Other important nymphs were naiads, nymphs of streams, rivers, and lakes; nereids, daughters of Nereus, who lived in the depths of the Mediterranean Sea; dryads, tree nymphs; and oceanids, 3,000 ocean nymphs who were the daughters of Oceanus. Arethusa , Thetis , Calypso , and Echo were famous nymphs. The nymphs' cult was widespread in Greece. And a Satyr is...(sa´ter, sat´er) , in Greek mythology, part bestial, part human creature of the forests and mountains. Satyrs were usually represented as being very hairy and having the tails and ears of a horse and often the horns and legs of a goat. An important part of Dionysus' entourage, they were lustful, fertile creatures, always merrily drinking and dancing. The satyr was similar in appearance to the silenus and Faunus .

Other parts of this site

My ghetto ass journal... (whats getting messed up this week most likely everything and more.)
About me... (who the hell i think i am!)
Friends... (directory and links.)
All my hoes... (list of ex's and why they are my ex's.)
Band... (listing and playing nights.)
Latest news... (why people are shitting themselves this week!!)
