WoLkStEr'S SuPeR KoOl WeBsItE!!

Hey everyone welcome to my super kool website! It's still under construction so just hang in there and I will get more gnarly things on here. I got the shout outs done, but first u get to see some sick ass info about myself..LoL...jk. Here u go!!

Info About Myself:

Name: Ashli Marie Wolk

B-day: April 28, 1986

Sign: Taurus...bull baby yeah!!

Age: 17..one more year and IM LEGAL!!!!

Fav. Colors: Hot Pink, Red, Black and Green

Fav. foods: Pineapple and Mexican food!! yummy

Fav. drink: Pina Colada, Margarita, Strawberry Daquiri (almost anything blended), corona, and more...

Fav. legal drink: Lemonade, Dr. Pepper and Wild Cherry Pepsi

Favorite #: 2 or 22 my favorite and lucky numbers!!

Just some random questions about myself!

B A S I C. Q U E S T I O N S-

[my name is]: Ashli

[height?]: 5'6"

[in the morning i am]: So not awake!!...wanting more sleep!..LoL

[all i need is]: a hot boy to cuddle with, a car and some money!!

[love is]: a good feeling when someone loves u back!

[if i could see one person right now]: Any of my good friends.

[im afraid of]: death, being lonely, snakes..LoL

[i dream about]: guys...sex <--- fo sho Kathrine!

-H A V E .Y O U. E V E R . .

[pictured your crush naked?]: maybe! ;-)...LoL

[actually seen ur crush naked]: NO!!...I wish!

[been in love]: Yes, but it was only great while it lasted. Now he can kiss my ass!

[cried when someone died]: Yeah...my great-gramps and when i saw Neil crying the day his good friend Daniel died in the car crash! It crushed me to see him like that! Now i could give a shit less if i saw him cry!

[lied]: I have, but not on a regular basis...i have really nothing to lie about!

-W H I C H . I S . B E T T E R-

[coke or pepsi]: pepsi

[flowers or candy]: Flowers definatly! Especially Roses, Hibiscus, or sunflowers!

[tall or short]: um....both i guess!...LoL...never really thought of it!

-W I T H .T H E. O P P O S I T E. S E X-

[what do u notice first?]: eyes, smile, personality, and yeah Kat..how they dress!

[last person u slow danced with]: um...my friend Mike at this party is technically the last person i slow danced/freaked/lap danced with!!...Yuck!! Big mistake!!

[worst question]: whats wrong???...god i hate that!

-W H O-

[makes u laugh the most?]: most of my friends...especially Ryan(Higgins)in our late night convos we have!

[makes you smile]: Same as above...plus my familia.

[gives u a funny feeling when u see them]: Don't know right now, but it sure as hell isn't Neil!

[do you have a crush on?]: read above dumbass!!...LoL

[has a crush on u?]: No one that i'm aware of...but then again i wouldn't know!

[easier to talk to?]: my good ladies and good bros!

-D O. Y O U .E V E R-

[sit on the internet all day waiting for someone special to I.M. u?]:no, but i am online a lot while i'm doing homework!

[save aol/aim conversations]: yeah...only the funny/good ones!!

[wish u were a member of the opposit sex]: Yes in the mornings when it takes me about an hour to get ready and it only takes them about 10 min. And also when i'm hanging out with my guy friends and the just walk over to a tree and take a piss instead of having to find a bathroom. In other words it would be much easier being able to pee standing up...LoL!

[cried because of someone saying something to u]: Of Course!! Who hasn't?!?

-H A V E .Y O U .E V E R-

[fallen for ur best friend]: Yes! Big mistake!

[been rejected?]: Plenty of times...especially lately!! I think there's something wrong w/ me...or i'm too ugly!....Either one!

[rejected someone]: Yes...and i felt so totally horrible about those times too....but i'm still good friends w/ them! Well now i know what u felt like guyz!! So love ya guys!

[used someone]: No way!! I wouldn't want ppl doing it to me so i don't do it to them!! What goes around comes around!!...as i've found out from above...damnit!

[been cheated on]: Not that i'm aware of, but i would die if i did!...Cheating is so wrong!!

[done something u regret]: A few things yes, but i try not to have any regrets...i want to live life to it's fullest and not have any regrets holding me back!

-W H O .W A S .T H E .L A S T. P E R S O N-

[u talked to on the phone]: Morgan this morning before she came to pick me up for school.

[hugged]: Most likely my mom cuz it's Mother's Day!

[kissed]: Neil...ONE FAT ASS MISTAKE!!

[u instant messaged]: um...Ryan(Higgins)

[instant messaged you?]: A bunch of coolio people.

[u laughed with]: That would be Ryan(Higgins)!

-D O .Y O U-

[color ur hair]: Nope...haven't yet...my hair color is all natural!...LoL

[ever get off the damn computer]: Yup! Actually haven't really been on that much lately. Been SLEEPIN!!

-D O .Y O U / / A R E .Y O U-

[smoke cigarettes]: Nope...Tried them but dont' like em...now other shit ::cough Marijuana cough:: maybe!

[obsessive]: depends on what it's about!!

[could u live without the computer?]: I could but it would be a bitch to do essays and reports...not to mention not being able to talk to my buds from LiVeRmOrE and other states!

[how many peeps are on ur buddylist?]: um...don't know, but not as much as Amanda and Kat...that's fo sho!...LoL...not yet at least!

[what's your favorite food?]: Mexican...YUMMY!!!

[whats ur favorite fruit?]: Pineapple is my all time favorite, but then i also love Cherries and Strawberries (oh yes!)

[drink alchohol?]: Usually if i'm at a party i will a little, but the past few weekends i have been a little too! It's defiantly awesome having older friends...especially the ones who can buy alcohol!...LoL

[like watching sunrises or sunset]: Hell yeah especially at my favorite place in the world...THE BEACH...and with a guy!!

[what hurts the most, physical or emotional pain?]: emotional most definatly....for physical u can just take advil or motrin...but for emotional it takes more to heal!

[trust others way too easily?]: um...no not really...they have to earn my trust!

[Do you ever wish you had another name?] nope! I like mine, it may be a pretty common name, but it's spelled originally.

[Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?] no!! :-(

[Do you like anyone?] Not sure?!?

[Which one of your friends acts the most like you?] um...i don't really know..we all kinda have our similarities and differences.

[Who have you known the longest of your friends:] that would for sure be Amanda!! Bestest friends since 1st grade yo!

[Who's the loudest:] out of all of my friends....Kat, Amanda and Me!!...LoL

[Who's the shyest:] um...don't really know anymore?

[Are you close to any family members?] my mom

[Who do you go to for stuff?] material-mom(and dad) emotional-friends <---- Right on Kat!!...LoL

[Who do you hang around the most? in my family?] that would be Morgan, Tanya and Sarah...in my family...my mom!

[When you cried the most:] too many times to count!!!

[What's the best feeling in the world:] being loved and being happy or making someone else happy! (Higgins knows what i'm talking about with the happy stuff...LoL)

[Worst Feeling:] being rejected or fuckin up and being hated for it<--- couldn't say it any better Kat...but i would like to also add that knowing that the person u care about the most and look up to the most is disappointed in u...I'm sorry mom-I LOVE YOU!!

[What time is it now?] 5:21 pm

*Alright enough about me. Now for the super cool shout outs. Enjoy!!

But first I just wanna say Good luck to all of the soldiers out there fighting for the U.S. right now! You are in our hearts and prayers. This is something that should be taken seriously by all of u. I am scared shitless right now about my father (real dad that lives in Virginia) who is on active duty and could be shipped to the Middle East at any time! As well as a good family friend who is active also. Dad and Shaun...I love you guys and please stay safe and if u do go please come home safely! Thanks everyone! Go fuck those Iraqi's up yo!!

~*My LaDiEs*~

~*A-man-duh*~: This is my #1 bestest friend. You are my girl and always will be. Shit girl we have been through so much and had fun doing it too. Even though when we were little groms we fought a lot, but they were gay fights so yeah. I am always here for u no matter what and i'll always love u girl! Keep it real and party hard my Liver-Moran!!...woo woo...Manda's got a boyfriend!! James is one lucky dude...hes got my #1 woman!..LoL...Congrats Bruno!..Yeah yeah go ridin' in the Scout!!

~*Mo-Mo*~: Hey hoe!! You have become one of my best friends and i luv yah! We had such a kick ass time this summer. Those memories will last us a lifetime! Some damn good ones too ;)!!...LoL But we have many more to come and they are all gonna be in So Cal baby yeah! Well don't change and don't stress about Mr. Avaze (or however the fuck u spell his name?) he will come around some day. Luv yah babe!

~*Tanster*~: This is my little hooch! Yes u know it you can get all the guyz. Look at u what like not even a month after Chris and u already got Ryan. Damn u scuba steve!!...LoL...well u are a super sweet girl and i'm so stoked that i got to know u last year. You have become one of my best friends! Luv u Tanster! Peace our girl!....<---John belongs to this girl right here!! Yeah some of u know what i'm talking about..for those of u that dont' either there's reason or u wouldn't care anyways and u don't know who Tanya is...LoL!!

*~Ambular*~: What up biotch?!? It seems like we really haven't gotten to hang out much lately. What the hell happened? We need to do something soon woman!! Congrats once again on ur new love! I told u that u would get him..and once again i was right!...LoL Well keep it real and dont' party too hard! Luv yah! 420 edicate- Never pass up a hit!...You would know that one for sure Ambular!...LoL..j/k!

~*Big J*~: Hey babe! We've had some fun times so far together especially at ur new casa! Hella beautiful house...even though i've told u hundreds of times!...LoL. Yeah our dance parties kick ass man!..LoL. We also had some hella fun lunches at school. We laughed soo fucking hard dude. I thought for sure i would have pissed my pants at least once...LoL..Well i luv yah Big J! We'll have to hang out more than we already do. So have fun on independent! Luv yah babe! See ya soon!

* But don't worry folks...I am a big girl and I am potty trained!!!...LoL...Hard to believe, but it's true!

~*Kathrine*~: You are one crazy ass lady! But u gotta luv it! We haven't really gotten to kick it that much, but hopefully this summer we will. Yeah we be bumpin it in the shaggin wagons fo sho!...LoL Gotta represent! Well peace out black lady...can't say the blackest cuz amanda would kill me! But keep it real babe. We gotta kick it again soon. Holler from the B-wood nigga! Woo Woo!!..Peace out! Luv yah.

~*Katers*~: Hey butt slut! Yeah thats right...this here is the original butt slut of America!..LoL...just kiddin everyone...Katers is as pure as pure can be..LoL!! Well i'm glad u gots a new man babe! He better be a good one..LoL. He sounds like he is so no worries. We have some kick ass times in Pappas's class. That man gets walked on so much by us...we own that fucker!..LoL...well party hard and no more bong hits that are hittin hard rookie...LoL...jk!

~*Sarah*~: Hey hoe!! go, go, go, go, go shorty it's ur birfday, we gonna party like it's ur birfday!..woo woo! yeah u know it! You are the party queen...LoL...jk! We so have to party more often. I think it would be kick ass to get drunk with u girl! The past couple of weekends have been pretty awesome..well we made our own fun and that's all that matters. Yeah freakin dance parties for life yo!!...LoL It's all about the lap dances!..LoL. Alright well make sure u hit me up whenever there's some gnarly parties goin down..and i'll be there to get the party bumpin'!! Yeah you know!..LoL..alright well later babe..Luv yah!.. Peace!

~*Kiwi*~: What's up hooka?!?...LoL...We've had our ups and downs, but all in all i think we've stayed pretty good friends. I'm glad ur in Beckstead's class w/ me so that we can make fun of him! Cuz anyone who knows Beckstead knows that man deserves it...LoL! So yeah anyways...Talk to u later babe! Hit me up sometime...give me the scoop on what's going down in the B-Town during the weekends...LoL...Alright late!

~*Big Al*~: What up Big Al? Even though u probably won't see this i had to give u a shout out. This is the originator of my nickname that everyone knows and loves...the WOLKSTER!! Yes that's right everyone Allison gave me that one...LoL..Well thanks for that super kool nickname babe. Keep it real and party hard...not too hard though!

~*Aimee*~: Hey hoe!!..LoL. Remember me Teegan?..LoL...I'm sorry but that was funny. Sorry if it pissed u off though, didn't mean to! Well i'm happy for u and Josh. I can't believe that ur dating little Josh from elementary school. That is how i remember that boy...LoL. But good luck with him babe. Peace out. Luv yah!

~*Savannah*~: Gidee up!!...LoL. You are a funny chick! My little sophmore friend..LoL...jk! You may be a sophmore, but u can kick it with the older kool people! Yeah u know like me...LoL...jk! I'm glad i met u this year...u better keep in touch through next year since it's my last year hoe! Check yah later homie!

This is a shout out to little baby Isabella Nicole. She was born yesterday, April 14, 2003. A beautiful blonde hair, blue eyed little girl. This is the daughter of a good friend and i just wanna say congrats daddy! I know you've been looking forward to this day for a while now. Let me know when u have her one of these times, cuz if i'm down in Livermore hangin w/ the crew i wanna come see her. Well once again congrats!! and HAPPY BIRTHDAY ISABELLA NICOLE!!!

*Alright well i can't think of any more ladies right now i'm having a brain fart! Not literally, but yeah so if i forgot u just yell at me and then i'll remember! Sorry if i did though it's not that i dont' love u...LoL

~+My Bros+~

~+Neilster+~: Congrats on graduating babe. I can't believe ur moving down to Santa Barbara. Don't forget about me when ur down there and keep in touch. We've had our ups and downs, but i think that we are at a good place right now. I guess u could sort of call it friends with benefits without the emotional attachment. So don't party too hard down there in college. You better come home next summer and come and party with me for sure. Keep tearin up those waves. See you in So Cal. Love ya.

~+Ryan+~(my hoe): Yeah that's right youz my hiz-hoe fo shiz-hoe!!...LoL. Yeah i'm gonna fuck u up boy...for reals! And u know u want it ;)...LoL! Well yeah u know ur the one and only hoe..fo sho. Direct quote from Ryan himself...lmao "i'll be begging like a fat kid is begging for cake."...lmao! And remember u can't rape the willing! :-D...lol...alright later babe! p.s. YOUR HOT!!!..Grrrrr! oh yeah baby!..hahahaha

~+Ronnie+~: You are one crazy ass mother fucker!...LoL...jk! You better keep your ass safe yo! No gettin urself killed now. Well i'm glad that i got to meet u. And thanks for smokin me out. It felt sooo good to do it finally!...LoL. Well good luck w/ everything...you know what i'm talking about, but it's not for me to mention it on here!..LoL. I'm always here if u need to talk.

~+Kyle+~: Hey buddy!!! You are such a cool dude. I'm glad I sit by you in math. You can keep me sane in that shitter...LoL. Well even though I sadly let u down, you know ur still my hella good friend and u are a hottie! I will admit that one...LoL. Well we gotta get through this next quarter fo sho. So i'll talk to u later babe.

~+Matt+~: What up skank?!? Oh yeah Matt i want u to fuck me soo bad i can't stand it anymore!...LoL....i'm guessing that's what u wanted to hear so there u go! Enjoy that! Yeah so when do i get a ride in ur car?!? Yeah u can come save me from being stuck at home with no car...LoL. Yeah well don't really know what else to say right now so have fun workin it skankness!...LoL. I'll get to those pics soon enough for ya. No worries! Alright late Matt!

~+Ryan+~(from So Cal) Hey what's up niggarino?!? Yeah ur hella lucky u get to live in So Cal. We'll be switchin Cal's here in the next few years. Ur comin North and i'm goin South...LoL! Well hope u have fun in Frisco Bay...it's a nice city...u will like it! Yeah so maybe the next time ur up here in the B-WoOd u will stay long enough so that the rest of us can meet u!! Yeah u can't hide all the time!...LoL. Alright well lates BrO-HoE FiSh...LmAo!

~+Sam+~: Hey Samuel!! I totally miss having u in 3rd period video productions. But i bet your having way more fun w/out all of us. Yeah your hella lucky gettin to sleep in and not having to go to school yo! I'm super jealous fo sho. But anyways...come and kick it with us in Pappas's class sometime. We would all love to see ya. Talk to u later babe. Peace!

~+Ian+~: Holler!!...LoL! Man I thought my love life was pretty fucked up, but u showed me up. Yourz is way complicating...LoL. But life goes on! Your a hella funny dude, i'm glad that I get to talk to u. I'm always here to talk if u need me! And most of the time u need me...LoL! Well later babe...peace!

~+Alexie+~: Hey there! Havin fun in So Cal? Yeah i bet u are hittin all those waves. Lucky bastard!..LoL. Well you are a totally cool guy and fun to talk to. Even though u probably think i'm annoying, but oh well! I'm so jealous that u get to live in So Cal, but i'll be down there too after high school! So keep it real and dont' stress urself out w/ school and work and other crap. Talk to u later babe!

~+Tom+~: Hey u turkey sandwhich slut!...Lmao. Well i'm glad to see that u and Megan are doing good. Yes u are a hottie and u know that so dont' play stupid. I'm honored to yell at ur ass to do ur homework..LoL. You need it though! Or else u would just say screw it. So i'm just helpin u out. Well peace out babe. Have fun makin turkey sandwhiches...no extra mayo though!! ;)

~+Jeffrey+~: You are the biggest fuckin bitch i know! I hope u rot in hell you shit head...LoL...i am soo just kidding Jeff. You know ur my buddy. Even though u get ur kicks out of pretending to not see me and ignore me...LoL...and make fun of me. Well right back at yo ass hoe! I still wanna see Jackass so hook me up bro! If there's ever any parties u know ur ass better be callin me and lettin me know. Yeah that's right...LoL. Well later butt slut!

~+A.J+~: What's up my Sac Town homie?!? I see you got yourself a new hoe...right on!..LoL. You are probably one of the biggest pimps i know...LoL! *Besides Neilster's little bros everyone!...LoL* But your a totally cool and i'm stoked that i got to know u. Maybe one of these days we'll see each other around. Doubt it, but hey it's a small world..LoL..Well later bro!

*Alright my butt slut bros...can't think of anymore bros right now. So if u see that ur not on here once again feel free to yell at me and u will remind me and make me feel like a dumb ass! And then ur ass will be on here! Sorry if i forgot u...I seriously am.. You know i wouldn't purposely forget u!

Well my kick ass crew I hope u enjoyed my website so far. It isn't the greatest, but once Big J helps me out it will be. I will get some gnarly pics up in here with most of u in them. I'll try not to make them embarrasing, but if they are classic i just can't help it. Have a wicked sick life everyone! I'm glad to say u are all my friends. Life wouldn't be the same without u guyz. So peace out! And all my love!

Lates- ~*Ashli*~

a.k.a Wolkster, Small Fry, Ash, Wolk, and NorCalPrincess22 (for those of u from AIM..in case u didn't know my name or forgot!)

"friends don't let friends get drunk and take home ugly guyz!"....LoL.....i love that one!

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