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The Band
-Paul Johnston
-Andrew Malary
-Danny Catalano
-James Magnusson
-No More Luck
-Future Amps
About Us
-Bands Dedication Page
-Punk Test
-Add A Local Band's Website To The Links Page
-Free Guitar, Bass, Drums HERE (Autographed By Blink 182)
Members Only
-Guitar, Bass, Drum Tabs and Lyrics


April 4 I am just about done with the design. Soon I will make the pages. Click here if you want to see a preview of the new design on the new site. -10:20PM ~Paul

April 3 The new site is just about done. Just maybe 4 or 5 days left of designing. -8:54PM ~Paul

March 31 Me and James are starting to practice singing. We really aren't good yet. If you want to hear our HORRIBLE recordings instant message me (MarshallSkater14) -7:58PM ~Paul

March 30 We have our new name now. It is "". Check my profile for the link to the new site (MarshallSkater14). -10:54PM ~Paul

March 24 I am redesigning the site. The links are not going to work( most of them). Tomorrow I will put the new menu design test up for everyone to preview. -1:42PM ~Paul

March 23 I am currently designing a new menu for the whole site. It is under-construction at the moment. I will soon give the link to preview it(it won't be finished so don't expect a grand thing). -2:11PM ~Paul

March 19 We are thinking about chaning our name AGAIN. We think the old one sounds like it is trying to sound "cool". We want a serious name now. We wil put the new band name on this and the link to the new website as soon as we pick one. -7:44PM ~Paul

March 6 Since our old logo looked liked we were anti-Irish (3 out of 4 of us are Irish), we changed our logo. We hope you like the new one better.-9:34PM ~Paul

March 2 Our website is in the process of being re-done for better liking. Not all the pages are done.-4:13PM ~Paul

March 2 Check out A Separate Few's new website on the top of this page.-4:10PM ~Paul

February 15 Today we went to our first concert together. The bands playing there were Allister, Bayside, Punchline, Unsung Zeros, and two local bands. They all did really good. In our opinion, Allister was the best. They played the most songs and did a really good show. The "mosh pit" was pretty annoying since we didn't want to go in yet. The people in kept on pushing us and we couldn't even pay attention. -7:24 PM ~Paul

February 14 Today Paul's brother, Michael, and Chris (A Separate Few) have booked a concert at a cafe at a fleamarket on 110. This is their first show. Paul and James know that they will not miss this concert. It's on April 5th at the cafe on the fleamarket on route 110 behind. It's the building that used to be Office Depot. Don't miss it. -12:26 AM ~NML

January 22 Blink 182 is making a new album. They are in the studio recording it. It will take them five months to complete. We can't wait for their new album to come out. They will be recording the WHOLE recoring process on video. You can check out the site here for more information and to see the videos.

January 22 Here is our new site. We have learned more when making our other site so now this one will be better.

A Separate