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MxPx (MagneticxPunkx)

My Favorite Web Sites

MeLiSSa's WeBPagE
Coke Music
Stretch Armstrong

Hey! I'm Caleb. This is my site so far. Melissa is helping me with it right now.I'm going to find some good codes from Melissa, and she is going to make it cool, of course, she needs help from another friend of mine, Seth.

In some it is never lit.

straw and cinders forever as they float

through ghost-life.

they smother flames in fear.

and die from lack of heat.

In others it herds cattle to destuction.

relentless in hunger.

it persues them from one passion to another.

until their whole landscape is charcoal.

In few it creeps across dry ground.

slow and seemingly subdued.

but it drives them nontheless.

to great hieghts as they escape the cinders.

to great works as they climb to false safety.

In the end the product is the same for all.

In the end fire will consume them.

How to start a fire?

Are you sure you want to know?

-Alexis Neptune