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Ok well I used to have some free graphics here that I made for no aparent reason, but I haven't really felt like making anymore new images so looks like your S-O-L.

However, (I'm sure in the future I'll plead temporary insanity for this one) I will do requests. User Look-ups, Guilds, Websites, whatever the hell you need. Just fill in the form and explain to me what you want. And then give me atleast a day. I mean I'm only human. I'll do my best to get back to you as soon as is possible. Just keep in mind that I have a life outside of computers.

Ok, one more reminder.... LEAVE IN THE DAMN LINK! It won't hurt you if you do! I can't stand it when people take an image, that they didn't make, and say they did! I mean give credit to the maker ok?!

Btw: Please, Please, Please don't send in a blank form. It's hard to keep things straight when you get like 5 of them a day or something. Thanks.

If you ever have a problem, whether it is a broken image, or you are just simply confused. Drop me a line, I will gladly help you out as best I can. My e-mail address is: I only have MSN.

Now why don't you quit while your ahead!

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