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11/2 VOTE KERRY(for those who can vote). but anyway i think we are changing our name to innocence faded. also we're in the process of recording. man it's very stressfull hahaha. hopefully it'll be done in the next couple weeks. later

10/24? wow not much happenin lately but finally there's a show comin up- check it in the shows page.

6/26 show at the elmer pool on wednsday july 7th in memory of jeff kennedy - shows page for more info

5/12 show may 22 john k's be there chekc shows page for more info

4/19 Schalick is having the Rock for Cancer on April 29th i think from 6-9. you can get tickets at lunch for $4 or pay$5 at the door. also theres a show may 8th;

3/19 Theres mad shows comin up but i dono if theyre definite yet so only one is posted in the shows page cuz its the only definite one. Theres a show at eds house april 3rd supposedly but im not sure if we'll be playin cuz i might not be able to make it. then theres another show april 24th but thats not definite and then sometime during early may theres an innocent bystander show but im not positive were playing we gotta get a tape to them first and then if we do play equipment will be a problem. we'd need a pa and mics and stuff so we'll see what we can do about that but first we gotta make sure we play.

2/23 show rescheduled to saturday the 28th

2/12 Nope the show for the 27th has to be rescheduled due to the school play. I dono what the date will be.

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