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ok..sorry about the things thats goin on here, jus copy n paste that url in ur browser. my pc sucks and so i gotta do with it, and sadyl you dont get to see a well done site. it could be better but its not. sorry. one of two things will happen, either i become a huge html expert, or my pc stops dickin around. hopefully for me my pc stops dickin around. lol i may sound lazy but i've got things to do ppl to c plaves to go. and it doesnt deal with learning html, unless it will help me in the furture, aka my career. now, idk wut i want to do with my life, cept mayb a pharmasist or a graphics person hehe. how cool to make graphics for companies, for a living. i guess when im older, i could also make these icons for da green cash, but ya know i dont think it would work to wll unless i learned how to get that paypal thingy haha. enough with the rattlin on, go have fun.
