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Melinda's Crappy Homepage

So you want Pictures Eh?

Random pictures
Black and White
Im a Loser at prom
Wax Poetic (pics by Lara)
Karla and Melinda

um.. yeah this is just a crappy little site to organize my other ones cause im dumb and have no idea how to work this damn computer box.... Email: this needs to be updatd cause i look different now. i will try to get more pics soon :)

so, sitting at work today, i thought of all the things that people ( clients) do to piss me off at work. ladies and gentlemen, when you get your hair done, be nice to the shampoo girls. they dont want to be touching your nasty grody dingy hair, but do it out of love, pity, and/or poverty. i composed a list of rules for all you people who go to salons. please read and obey.
    10 ways to piss off this shampoo girl at work
  1. Dont tell me the specifics of what you are getting done till after i shampoo you ( example: me: "ok, you are shampooed and ready to go" them: " shampoo? but i thought i wasnt supposed to get shampoo before color...." Me:, or more specifically, me inside my head " then why was your freakin head in the bowl? dumbass..
  2. 2. be old and cranky with nothing better to do than complain
  3. 3. talk to me about your religious views while i have a sharp comb in my hand, thus tempting me with ideas of homocide ( or should i say, "barbicide" damn im clever...)
  4. 3. lift your head out of the shampoo bowl when i am rinsing
  5. 4. specify the the type of shampoo you want me to use AFTER i have finished washing your crusty hair follicles ( spelled wrong for dramatic effet?)
  6. 5. Leave a tip that is less than a dollar. really, i make 4 dollars an hour, thats a dollar every 20 minutes. my tip is what feeds me, show pity
  7. 6.complaining how the water is too hot after you have been shampood and you are walking away...
  8. 7. Bitch about how horrible your life is ( really, unless you can condence your poor existance into the 5 minutes required to add foam to your old nappy forehead, dont bother. i have better things to do, and if im gonna play psychologist for you, you better leave me a bigger tip than a quarter)
  9. 8. lift your head out of the bowl while i am rinsing, then coplaining about how you got your shirt wet..
  10. 9. bitch about how there is color on your collar, forehead, shoe, asscrack and yell at me for it. look asss, i didnt put that color there, im not takin it off
  12. 10!! be a bitchy old crusty deaf blind old person who complains too damn much that LIFTS YOUR HEAD OUT OF MY SHAMPOO BOWL WHILE I AM RINSING
  13. ok, and thats about it kids. best little hair house in town. come see me, just remember to follow the rules * note: this is not a shamless endorsement to get you to come to see me at work. i just thought i would clue you in to salon manners if you should ever decide to do so. here, laugh at this...