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*~*Shabazalastic Shibby Shallaga*~*

*~*Personal Crap*~*

*~*Shibby Sites*~*

Homestar Runner
Good Charlotte
My CGR Blog
My Ujournal

Go to those sites or i'll stab you in the face-visit my blog and ujournal, and leave me comments, por favor-i'll feel loved, or something... Anywayz-Welcome to the real world, kiddies. This site is not "happy rainbow sunshine and lollipops"-it'll be whatever I feel like it being right then. I'll post lyrix to my fav songs, quotes, pix, stuff of my fav bands, etc. Well, maybe it'll be more of a music dedication site-whatever. I'll decide later. E-mail me (below), or send me an IM on AIM to: MaKeZbOiZcRi. C ya. Oh, ps-I liked this pic-It makes me thirsty, tho...
