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                                            Still under construction

                       Mage's Kingdom

                                                                                                            (Best viewed in 800 x 600)

                                                      Please email me with any comments, complements, suggestions

                                                             Also Please sign my guest book at the bottom

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                                                                                      (no haters please)                  /

                                                       click HERE to visit my Blog                             v

                                             click HERE to look at pics of my Car       ** HERE** is are a bunch of links to my fav bands


                                                                                                                                  -- LOOK

                                                                   Below is a link to my game reviews page

                                                                              SUPer reViews page                                                                          

                       So if you have a review that you want to submit just email it to me with your name and I will post it.

*****************Friends Web Links*************************


 Slashed_Dolphin (He just has miscellaneous stuff on his site. Very interesting, he is always working on it)





Added new pics to my car gallery. More bands to the Band Command. Updated the look of the DC and GBA section reviews.



Added PC game list Added a N64 Section and some reviews in there. Added a Dreamcast Game list.



Added a guest book. So if yall would be so kind as to sign it. thatd be really kool. also put up some new pics of my engine. added more bands to band command.


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