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Dork Secret Service Mission: We are the DSS. We protect the people of Yucca Valley, Landers, Joshua Tree, 29 Palms, and Morongo Valley for the threat of evil do-ers. We are your first, last, and only line of defense. We work in secret. We exist in shadow. AND WE DRESS IN BLACK.-M.I.B. movie.

Profiles and Identities
Spies and Imposters

1. How are lawyers like prostitutes?
2. Why do blondes wear underwear?
3. How does Hitler tie his shoes?
4. What's the difference between Aladdin and Osoma bin Laden?
5. Did you hear about the man who joined a nudist colony?
6. Why do brunettes take blondes shopping with them?

1A. They charge you, screw you, and leave you.
2A. To keep their ankles warm.
3A. With lil' Nazi's.
4A. Aladdin had 3 wishes, bin Laden has 1-a death wish
5A. The first day was his hardest.
6A. So they can park in the handicap spaces.
