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The Ten Kinds of People I Hate

My four main bitch pages

Oppositional Defiance
Why I Hate White Boys
The Ballsack Story

Well geezus christ everyone. It seems like just about every person i know has there own website, and, well geez it just seems like so much fun to bitch about random shit. And since nobody seems like they give two shits about my opinions anyway, i guess this will be a good place to vent all the random bullshit that's on my mind about now. But since nobody gives two shits about my opinions, i don't think anyone will read this, so who the fuck cares, it'll make me feel better. This website serves two purposes, the first, to help whoever is curious about how exactly my mind works, which i will try to explain as best i can, and the second to write any stupid ass stories that pop into my head. so yeah, have fun reading, i sure hope you like to read alot cause it will be alot of reading. read read read. mmhmmmm reading is fun. poop. Since this site is really really jewish and i cant get the links to work, it'll require a little work to navigate. here's the list of all the posts i've made. Make sure to check back frequently because i should be updating alot. And every url will start out with you'll just have to add the last part to it. "oppdef.html" "yoboys.html" "ethiopia.html" "truestory.html"