:: the usual ::
past scribblings
good times

:: currently viewing ::
latest events

:: stalk me ::

drop me a line
give me a holla

:: meg of the moment ::

Talking to...: Rachie
Eating/drinking: cherry frapp from it's a grind
Wearing: pajama pants and hoody
Looking at: different journals
Wishing: that I was in NYC right now with Jake

May 22, 2004 - 8:48 am
friends only, blah blah fishcakes.


This journal is friends only. I just like the idea of controlling who reads my journal. After all- it is MY journal, right? Right. I love meeting new people and adding new people so it shouldn't be too much of a problem...


I'm very picky about who I add. I REFUSE to add people who post song lyrics, quizzes, surveys, or pictures of xtina or any famous person in particular constantly. I also don't add people who write all of their entries in a long run-on paragraph. That's not easy on the eyes and I have the attention span of a three year old child.

If you think you fit that criteria, go ahead and comment to let me know you've added me. I have a lot of people on my list that never took me off after I took them off, so I won't be checking to see if new people added me- but I always check this entry for comments.

In addition... I'm sick of people who beg for comments. I have a life and I fully intend to live it to the fullest. I'll comment when I find the time and when I feel like I should. I always reply to comments posted in my journal, but please understand that I most likely won't comment on every entry you write but I do read everything.

Ok, that's enough... give it a try already!

282 giggles | Gimmie a laugh

:: mood: grumpy

May 13, 2003 - 8:04 am
take it suckers

We're the same person... isn't it so obvious?

*rolls eyes*

38 giggles | Gimmie a laugh

:: mood: cranky

:: where am i? ::
[ currently viewing - latest events ]

:: my sweetie ::

Since Valentine's Day 2002

:: my stars ::

:: featured LJ-er ::

:: credit goes to ::

Kirstin for the code.
Jake for the server space.

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