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Katie~n~Brittany's Page

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Mah Shoutouts

Heyy, me and Katie are like lets say abusive friends! We always hurt eachother and it's rather quite funny! Me and her have some momeries! Like the time we hung out with these guys named Cody and Mike and they got us hooked on saying Look at the moon, A rubber talking fish of course, and I'll tell you wha! That was some funny stuff espially when were at Tom and Hollies! The one time they took us to wendys and they asked what we want and I said I want a frosty and fooood cause I knew I wanted a frosty but I didnt know what I wanted food wise! Than the one time we were in the bedroom and hollie picked a cameltoe and I said Pick that cameltoe then somthing bad happened I got smakeds over the head from Hollie! That was so funny! Here's a message to you KAtie! GOT MILK! LOL