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Welcome to my Head

My Original Site - De L'Automne Clan

10/8/03 DO NOT support capitalist america. Support art, support local stores. Non-violence is the answer, this may sound cheesy or you've heard it before, but look what ghandi and martin luther king have accomplished through non-violence. Rally for peace, show the middle east we're not all war mongers and all we know is violence. Show the world we care, don't vote bush 2004. I want to leace my home. I need to leave my home before i start beaking more things. - Peter

10/8/03 ¡Hola! Today is the Day you can get into my head for the very first time you can get into my head. Hopefully we'll all be expanding, parkour pictures or soon to be for the De L'Automne Clan (french for "Of Autumn") if you don't know what parkour is, check out the page and the links. - Peter