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Sunday, 14 November 2004

10 bands/artists you've been listening a lot to lately:

1. Keith Urban
2. Brad Paisley
3. Rascal Flatts
4. The Cure
5. Underoath
6. Blindside
7. Dead Poetic
8. Seether
9. Anberlin
10. The Chariot

9 things you're looking forward to:

1. Marrying Lee
2. The benefits that come along with marrying Lee
3. Having a family with Lee
4. Going to a show oof a band I actually like
5. College
6. Leaving Cresset
7. thanksgiving break
8. christmas break
9. christmas

8 things you like to wear:

1. lee's liberty basketball shirt
2. lee's hoodie
3. my black pants
4. my norma jean hoodie
5. skirts with pants
6. my catholic school girl/cheerleading "uniform"
7. really baggy pants
8. checkered wanna-be chucks from wal-mart

7 things that annoy you:

1. girls that try to flirt with lee
2. girls that have bf's and flirt with every male they come in contact with
3. girls that lead boys on and play with their emotions
4. adults at ebenezer baptist church
5. people from liberty christian school
6. democratic liberals
7. cresset chapels

6 things you say most days:

1. like
2. so yeah
3. Im such a blonde
4. Im not that short
5. aww baby
6. micah ur a bitch

5 things you do everyday:

1. spend time with lee
2. talk to lee on the phone before I go to bed
3. watch tv
4. yoga, dance or work out
5. kick my brother's ass

4 people you want to spend more time with:

1. Lee
2. Chrissy
3. Liz
4. Mackey

3 movies you could watch over and over again:

1. Dumb and Dumber
2. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
3. Serendipity and the Notebook

2 of your favorite songs at the moment:

1. Rachel Proctor "Where I Belong"
2. Switchfoot "24" (mine and lee's songs)

1 Person you could spend the rest of your life with:

1. David Lee Cramer Jr

Posted by punk4/last2right at 8:59 AM EST
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Wednesday, 8 September 2004

Stole It From Ryan
Mood:  accident prone
Now Playing: no doubt "bathwater"
Topic: More question things
According to Ryan's quizzy thinggy

1 - I am adorable

2 - I am nice

3 - I am sweet

4 - I am gothic

5 - I am laid back

6 - I am a great friend and lovable

7 - I like to make out

hmmmmm...... lol

Posted by punk4/last2right at 10:08 PM EDT
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Sunday, 5 September 2004

Mood:  flirty
Now Playing: the never
Topic: More question things
01. First Name: Sarah
02. Hair Color: brownish blondish
03. Middle Name: Lynn
04. Hair Style: straight...?
05. Eye Color: blue
06. Height: 5'
08. Birthday: August 27, 1987
09. Zodiac Sign: virgo
10. Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?: nope
11. Do you have a crush?: most deff

01. Favorite Animal: horse
02. Favorite Sport: soccer
03. Favorite Color(s): pink, black, baby blue, white
04. Favorite Friend(s): hmmm, dunno
05. Best Friend(s): hmmm, dunno
06. Favorite Song(s): "I'll Be" and ne thing by Blindeside
07. Favorite Movie Quote: "I cant stop goin once I've started, its stings"
08. Favorite Store: salvation army
09. Favorite Feeling: love
10. Favorite Shoe: pink laced sugars, but they're falling apart and they reak
11. Favorite Scent: strawberries and champagne
12. Do You Wear Make-Up? yep
13. Which is more important, personality or looks? personality
15. Do you move fast or slow in a relationship?: depends on who it is. the past few were really fast, but normally I like it nice and slow, lol
17. Would you ever ask someone out?: nope
18. Do you prefer blondes or brunettes?: it doesnt matter, but at the moment I'd have to say brunettes, just cuz I feel like it

Love, Life & Friends
01. What is the first thing you notice about someone?: eyes
02. When's the last time you cried?: I was a tough lil thing and held it back friday, but thursday night I shed some
03. What do you want to be when you grow up?: a rock star
04. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?: usually they''re just on my bed to keep them off the floor, and the usually fall off durin the night, or I kick them off.... yes
05. How far have you gotten?: hmmm, I'll tell you later
06. Do you like someone right now?: Yep
07. Do they know?: hes a guy, of course he doesnt know
08. Do you have a best friend?: nope

Within the last 24 hours,
01. Had a serious talk?: yep
02. Hugged someone?: yep
03. Gotten along well with your parents?: yep
04. Fought with a friend?: nope, but if she had been around when I heard the news, she would be so knocked out right now, cuz I was PISSED

do you like to...
01. give hugs? yep
02. Give back rubs? alex, mark, matt.... yes
03. Take walks in the rain?: yep
04. Do you ever have one of those falling dreams?: yep
05. What is on the walls of your room?: home: nothing, dorm: pictures and posters
06. Chew gum, what etc..kind?: yep, whatever i can get
07. Do you use chap stick?: sure

In the last month..
02. Smoke?: yep
03. Drugs?: nope :)
04. Have Sex?: never
05. Made Out?: nope
06. Go on a date?: nope
08. Go to the mall?: yep

More stuff.
01. Are you popular?: ppl think I am, but I dont
02. Are you pretty?: ppl think I am, but I dont
04. What is your favorite word to say?: dude and loser, its all Leighton's fault!
05. What is your favorite phrase to say? "if that makes ne sense" "I'm such a dork" it's not my fav but I have to say it ALOT: "I'm not that short"
06. What are you doing right now?: ansering stupid questions and tryin to finish this jawbreaker, lol
07. What song are you listening to?: none
08. What are you wearing?: mackeys old shirt and vs

preferences pick
01. Cold or hot?: cold
02. Lace or satin?: lace
03. Blue or Red?: red
04. New or old?: old
05. Rain or snow?: rain
06. Give or receive?: give
07. Wool or cotton?: cotton
08. Rose or Daisy?: rose
09. Private school or public school?: private
10. Chocolate milk or plain milk?: plain
11. Celsius or Fahrenheit?: fahrenheit
12. Spring or Fall?: fall
13. Innie or outty?: innie
14. Now or then?: then
15. How many fingers are you holding up? 1...
16. Scent?: ur redundant
17. English or Math?: math cuz leightons grandma hates me
18. Bath or shower?: bath
19: bedtime phrase?: sweet dreams
20. Self-stick or lick?: lick
21. Cursive or print?: print
22. Do you like surprises?: sure
23. Paranoid or Cautious?: paranoid
24. Heights or Crowds?: heights
25. Half-full or half-empty?: half-empty
26. Top or bottom?: top
27. Do you/Would you dye your hair?: sure would
28. Speeding or running red lights?: speeding
29. Gold or silver?: silver
30. Bad habits?: bitin nails
31. Piercings? nope
32. Erogenous Zone(s)?: maybe you'll find out someday
33. "Maybe" or "Mebbe?": maybe
35. What do you wish you HADN"T done? fell in love with ne of my friends at the time
36. Fetish?: that "V" cut on the guy's waist, lol
37. Do you have one of THOSE voices?: most deff not
38. Jammies or naked?: I like to have a shirt or hoodie on, but I get tangled up in pants, lol
39. Neurotic or psychotic?: psychotic
40. Do you talk to yourself? not out loud

*--the.basix ]]

* ]]: Sarah Lynn DeWeese
*--birthday ]]: August 27, 1987
* ]]: 4:45 pm
* ]]: some churchy hospital
*--star.sign ]]: uhhh
*--hometown ]]: Durham
*--any.pets ]]: 2 birds, 2 rabbits, 3 horses, 4 dogs and 4 cats
*--height ]]: 5'

* ]]

*--describe.your.eyes ]]: bright blue, sometimes they're grey
* ]]: blue all the time
*--decribe your hair ]]: its light brown with pinky tips (now) and is too long and needs to be cut soon
*--shoe.size ]]: ne where from a 7-8

*--love.and.all.that ]]

*--current.status ]]: single're.attached+ *--whose's.your.boy/girlfriend ]]:'re.attached+ * ]]:
+if'you're.not.attached+ *--any.crush ]]: yep're.not.attached+ * ]]: if you dont know by now, you're oblivious

*--it's.your.favorites ]]

*--color(s) ]]: redundant
*--number(s) ]]: 7 and 8
*--food ]]: swedish crapes and cucumbers (not together)
*--drink(s) ]]: whatever

*--country(ies) ]]: sweden
*--singer(s) ]]: edwin mccain and christian lindskog
*--song{s) ]]: redundant
*--quote(s) ]]: knowing nothing is better than knowing it all
*--word(s) ]]: dork, loser, dude
*--subject(s) ]]: art and photography, I also realyl like anatomy... hmmmm
*--teacher(s) ]]: Mr Rice and Mrs Whitley
*--book(s) ]]: The Scarlet Letter
*--author(s) ]]: emily dickinson
*--shape(s) ]]: X
*--time(s) ]]: night
*--kinda.guy/girl ]]: I'm a sucker for an emo kid and a southern gentleman
*--season(s) ]]: fall
*--sports(s) ]]: soccer and basketball
*--pass.time(s) ]]: hmmm... dunno
* ]]: jackass, wild boyz and viva la bam
*--movie(s) ]]: slc punk, dumb and dumber, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, serendipity and the notebook
*--actor(s) ]]: jim carrey, ryan gosling, does steve-o count?
*--actress(es) ]]: brittany murphy and drew barrymore
*--person/people to spend time with ]]: at the moment, Britney, Lee, Wik, Leighton, Matt, Mark, Alex, Dave....
*--weather(s) ]]: cool
*--shoes ]]: ne thing that doesnt take much effort to put on. I hate havin to un-tie and re-tie shoes, grrr, too much effort
*--clothes ]]: ne thing black and/or baggy
*--alphabet(s) ]: X, S, L, D yep yep Ls are fun to write in cursive
*--hairstyle(s) ]]: OMG I love guy's hair, it doesnt matter what it looks like (although I LOVE black hair) I jsut love to play with guy's hair, its fun. on girls.... who cares?

*--your.firsts ]]

*--kiss ]]: brad, gerrand or brock, I dont remember
*--love ]]: kyle
*--gotten drunk ]]: hmmm, dont remember
*--smoked ]]: when I took one of leightons, lol
*--got into trouble with the police ]]: never have, surprisingly
*--argument.with.your.parents ]]: hmmm, dont remember
* ]]: never failed a subject
*--time.being.rejected ]]: dont remember
*--being.slapped ]]: I remember gettin slapped by my mom in middle school for talkin back on the drive there, but I'm sure I had gotten smacked MANY times before that
*]: prolly in 10th grade
*--ran.away ]]: hmmm, dont remember
*--you.said."fuck" ]]: I dont think I said it til high school...
*--detention ]]: at cresset in 9th grade for bein late to mr tallman's class more then 3 times
*--lie ]]: lol, I've told too many to remember the first
* ]]: prolly when I wanted somethin and my parents wouldnt get it for me
*--touched.a.snake ]]: when i was 2 we had a pet snake
*--got.someone.else.into.trouble ]]: I used to get my brothers in trouble all the time

*--it's.your.choice ]]

*--black.or.white ]]: black
*--gold.or.silver ]]: silver
*--coffee.or.tea ]]: coffee
*--single.or.attached ]]: attached
*--schoolterm.or.holidays ]]: latley, school
* ]]: laptop
*--havesex.or.makelove ]]: make love
*--kiss.or.hug ]]: hug, actually cuddlin is the best
*--lie.or.betrayed ]]: lie
*--tolie.or.tobetray ]]: to lie
*--email.or-letter ]]: email
* ]]: science
* ]]: dad
*--cats.or.dogs ]]: dogs
*--britneyspears.or.christinaaguilera ]]: Christina
*--mary-kateolsen.or.ashley.olsen ]]: mary-kate
*--beyonceknowles.or.jessicasimpson: jessica
*--avrillavigne.or.hilaryduff ]]: avril
*--love.or.lust ]]: love
*--stars.or.angels ]]: stars
* ]]:barefoot
*--coke.or.pepsi ]]: pepsi
*--lemontea.or.peachtea ]]: lemon
*--apples.or.oranges ]]: apples
*--tall.or.short ]]: i like bein short, wouldnt wanna cahnge it, I love the tall guys :)
* ]]: yellow (ryan would hurt me if I said otherwise)
*--brown.or.beige ]]: brown
*--sleep.or.awake ]]: sleep
*--morning.or.night ]]: night
*--phoning.or.texting ]]: phone
*!messenger.or.aim ]]: AIM
*--yahoo! ]]: yahoo
*--scary.or.funny ]]: funny
*--bungeejumping.or.skydiving ]]: skydiving
*--penguins.or.polarbears ]]: penguins

* ]]

*--closest friends]]: hmmmm, dunno
*--rivals ]]: an ex best friend who is VERY untrustworthy

*--your.opinions ]]

* ]]: wouldnt do it, its wrong
*--the.supernatural ]]: God exists
*--religion ]]: not too much in favor of
*--vampires ]]: nope
*--prince.william ]]: dont care
*--love ]]: its great, hopefully I can actually find one that lasts
*--pregnancy ]]: in marraige
*--abortion ]]: = homocide
-school.uniforms ]]: I dunno, I woudlnt mind it either way
* ]]: some of its too complicated
*--pornography ]]: its wrong, but whatever floats ur boat
*--examinations ]]: doctore are weird, some are kewl though, I guess, J. Bonnar is AWESOME!
*--swear.words ]]: I'm tryin to stop sayin em, cuz certain people dont say em, and i dont wanna make them mad
*--music ]]: couldnt live without it
*--the internet ]]: haha
*--prostitutes ]]: GRRROSS
*--homosexuality ]]: its wrong, and gay guys are just funny to me
*--prejudice ]]: its gonna be around no matter what so quite whinin about it
*--books ]]: I guess some ppl like em
*--pets ]]: my best friends
*--the.dodo.birds ]]: lol, haha, it makes me think of that looney toons game from like 8 years ago, and when you died the bird would come on the screen and say "doo-doo" lol, I used to love that
*--randomosity ]]: without randomness I'd have nothing to live for
*--was.this.survey.too.long? no opinion
* ]]: sure
*--bye.then ]]: bye

Posted by punk4/last2right at 10:12 PM EDT
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Friday, 27 August 2004

Pictures from the Week
Mood:  spacey
Now Playing: Alli With An I
Topic: Pictures
on the way to the blindside show at aces basement. it started out really sunny, then it started gettin cloudy.

then you couldnt even see the road

this is what happens when ur mom has ur camera at a blindside show... where's christian??

this is what happens when you're the idiot that stands right in front of the stage durin a show...

and this is what it looks like a few hours later...

at the fsf show at cats cradle
brandtson was awesome

and finally, fsf and the new front man who is VERY tall

thats all :o)

Posted by punk4/last2right at 9:42 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, 27 August 2004 9:53 PM EDT
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Thursday, 26 August 2004

Maybe This Will Make Me Happy
Mood:  blue
Now Playing: Dead Poetic "Burgandy"
Topic: More question things
I took this from Ashley, cuz I'm a loser like that

1) Using band names, spell out your name:
As I Lay Dying
Haste the Day

2) Have you ever had a song written about you? yep
3) What song makes you cry? haste the day "breaking my own heart" (most recent)
4) What song makes you happy? dead poetic "new medicines"

HEIGHT: 5'1" (maybe)
HAIR COLOR: brownish/blondish w/ redish tips (sort of)

r i g h
WHAT ARE YOU WEARING?: black pants and teenage kurt cobain shirt
HOW ARE YOU? poopie

f a v o r i t e s
TV SHOW: jackass, wild boyz, viva la bam
BOOK: none of the above
NON-ALCOHOLIC DRINK: doesnt matter
ALCOHOLIC DRINK: doesnt matter

h a v e.y o u
SKIPPED SCHOOL BEFORE: not a whole day...

r a n d o m
YOUR CD PLAYER HAS: brandston "send us a signal"

w h e n / w h a t. w a s .t h e. l a s t
TIME YOU CRIED: about 2 mins ago
YOU GOT E-MAIL: about 5 mins ago

l o v e
YOUR GREATEST REGRET: letting him hurt me

y o u r .t h o u g h t s. o n
ABORTION: homicide
DREAMS: the only way to get what you want

t h r e e.t h i n g s
01 | love
02 | being alone
03 | pain
01 | mike
02 | lee
03 | stupid people
01 | music
02 | shows
03 | sleeping...dreams
01 | boys
02 | ignorance
03 | liberals
01 | boys
02 | myself
03 | certain ppl at my church
01 | tooth and nail tour flyer
02 | my present from ryan
03 | lamp
01 | typing
02 | hurting
03 | watching good will hunting
01 | be in love
02 | move away
03 | become a rock star
01 | inflict pain
02 | scream
03 | throw things
01 | hyper
02 | bitchy
03 | peppy
01 | pretend to be something I'm not
02 | make people hate me
03 | make people love me
01 | alli with an i
02 | blindside
03 | me
01 | ne thing a boy tells you
02 | rap
03 | people peeing
01 | if that makes ne sense
02 | I'm such a dork
03 | you're such a loser
01 | cucumbers
02 | pink bubblegum ice cream
03 | spigetti lol, i cant even spell it
01 | to play guitar
02 | to skateboard good
03 | to do graphic stuff on the computer
01 | diet pepsi
02 | water
03 | milk
01 | saved by the bell
02 | boy meets world
03 | rug rats
1. How did you get your live journal name?: carmen used to be sweet and low and I was short and sweet, and the oo was just something retarded to add

Posted by punk4/last2right at 12:01 AM EDT
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Monday, 23 August 2004

Head to head, lol, I crack myself up!
Mood:  hug me
Now Playing: The Kick "North Is Up"
Topic: More question things
1. name: Sarah Lynn DeWeese

2. age: 16

3. sex: female

4. favorite color: black

5. favorite food: cucumbers

6. favorite movies:
SLC Punk
Dumb and Dumber
The Notebook
Girl, Interrupted

7. favorite stores to shop at:
thrift stores
ne thing that sells none slutty clothes

//thoughts and opinions//
8. give your thoughts/opinions on...

the radio: only when I forget to put my cd's in my car, and then I only listen to country

Starbucks: I havent been in a while cuz I'm always late for school, but I'm gonna have to start goin again. I LOVE COFFEE!!

ujournal: what?

christian rock: most def couldnt live without it!

the GAP: never been in one, do they still have those....?

aviator sunglasses: dunno what those are

fashion: couldnt care less

curse words: they are bad, but I say them ne way

//books and music//
9. list at least 10 bands you listen to on a regular basis:
dead poetic
the cure
dashboard confessional

10. list at least 5 books you've read:
I Kissed Dating Goodbye
Boy Meets Girl
After The Death Of Anna Gonzalez (somethin like that)
The Scarlet Letter
The Notebook

11. list at least 10 of your favorite songs:
I'll Be - Edwin McCain
Shekina - Blindside
All Of Us - Blindside
Beautiful - Bethany Dillon
NE thing else by Blindside
With This Knife - Smile Empty Soul
Swallow The Knife - Stroy of the Year
New Medicines - Dead Poetic
Devil Shoots Devil - Stretch Arm Strong
Boy Brushed In Red Living In Black And White - Underoath

//random questions//
12. do you have a passionate love for all things 90's? most def

13. describe your style: I wear alot of black and alot of hoodies

14. what makes you think you're hip shit?: cuz I'm just so perfect and everyone loves me and wants to do me or be me... right....

15. do you have a job?: nope

16. have you ever seen the movie "to wong foo thanks for everything-julie newmar"?: nope



19. do you get turned on by straight boys kissing?: I prolly would, yeah....




Posted by punk4/last2right at 9:57 PM EDT
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Saturday, 21 August 2004

Just to see if it works
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: Blindside
Topic: Randomness

Me in my nerd glasses. Alex thinks they look sexxy, LOL

The pic I just took of my red tips, LOL, I love them!

My newest puppy, Bo Duke. (I didnt name him) I call him Bo Bo and Mike gets mad at me :(

A random flower on our fence


My Thrice cd

Pic TJ took of my being lazy. Chrissy saiid my bed was pretty, hehe, lol

My first long convo with Leighton since Novemeber

My guitar :)

The inside of my church from the balcony

Lauren M bein ghetto, lol

My and Joan, and you can see straight up my nose, ewww

Me, Joan and Kimberley, Joseph's hat was too big for me :)

Me and Chrissy in the back of Joseph's mustang, hehe, those were good times! That hot guy walkin down the street ;)


what does this look like to you?? LOL. Stewart hugged Joseph and he had on a wet shirt which in turn got joseph's wet and it made a ummm interesting image... LOL

Posted by punk4/last2right at 11:09 AM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 21 August 2004 1:51 PM EDT
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Friday, 20 August 2004

I got this from this girl named Leah on the underoath community
Mood:  crushed out
Now Playing: Blindside "Shekina"
Topic: Whats a topic?
001. What is your name: Sarah
002. Spell your name backwards: Haras
003. Birthday: August 27, 1987
004. Male or female: Female
005. Astrological sign: Virgo
006. Nicknames: BP, Big Boody #1, Shorty....
007. Occupation: None
008. Height: 5'1 (almost)
009. Weight: ummm
010. Hair color: brown
011. Eye color: blue
012. Where were you born: camp hill, pennsylvania
013. Where do you reside now: durham, north carolina
016. E-mail addy:
018. What is your LJ name: shortandsweetoo
019. What does your LJ name stand for: I'm short and I'm sweet....sometimes
021. How many candles were on your last cake: none, I didnt have a cake
022. Piercings: none
023. Tattoo's: none
024. Shoe size: 7 1/2
025. Righty or lefty: Righty
026. Wearing: kyle's boxers and hoodie
027. Hearing: road rules
028. Feeling: stressed out, and very emo
029. Eating/drinking: diet pepsi

Guys/Girls/Love/Kissing/And Other Stuff

061. Have you ever been in love: yes
062. How many people have you said "I love you" to: I dont even remember, but I've only meant it to 2 people
063. How many people have you been in love with: 2
064. How many people have you kissed: 7...?
065. Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex: no
066. How many people have you dated: none, technically
067. What do you look for in a girl/guy: they have to be able to put up with my dorkiness, sarcasm and randomness
068. What's the first thing you notice about a guy: eyes
069. What type of guy/girl do you usually go for: latley I've been goin for soccer players, but I love emo kids
073. Do you have a crush right now: yes
074. If so who is it: christian lindskog
075. Do you believe in love at first sight: no
076. Do you remember your first love: yes
077. First kiss: It was either Chris, Bard, Gerrand or Brock, lol
078. Do you believe in fate: not fate, but I believe things happen for a reason
079. Do you believe in soul mates: yes
080. If so do you believe you'll ever find yours: at the moment, no

~Family Stuff~
104. How many siblings do you have: 4
105. What are your parents names: ron and patsy
106. What are your siblings names: sandy, joe, danny, michael
107. How many siblings does your mother have: 6
108. How many siblings does your father have: 3
109. Where are your parents from: The US
110. Is your family close: sometimes

Music Stuff
121. What song do you swear was written about you or your life: none of the above
122. What's the most embarrasing cd you own: clay aiken
123. What's the best cd you own: its between my nirvanas and my blindsides
124. What song do you absolutely hate: most rap
125. Do you sing in the shower: of course
126. What song reminds you of that special someone: there are alot, my future love... "I'll Be" Edwin McCain

152. Color: black and pink
153. Food: cucumbers
154. Song: "I'll Be" Edwin McCain
155. Show: Charmed, Jackass, Viva La Bam, Wild Boyz
156. School subject: this semester, ap art or photography
157. Band/singer/artist: Blindside
159. Outfit: ne thing black, baggy and with a hoodie
160. Radio station: 96 rock
161. Movie: The Notebook
162. Pair of shoes: my sugars with the pink laces, they're just so easy to put on, and I'm too lazy to find ne other pair in my closet
163. Cartoon: recess
164. Actor: jim carrey, ryan gosling, johnny knoxville...
165. Actress: britany murphy and drew barrymore
166. Potato chip: sun chips
167. Drink: dont care
168: Soda: diet pepsi twist
169. Holiday: new years
170. Perfume/cologne: strawberries and campagne
171. Pizza topping: black olives, lol
172. Jello flavor: Strawberry
173. Lunch meat: none of the above
174. Card Game: pyramids...?
175. Video game: none of the above
176. Website: and
177. Book: the bible...?
178. Computer game: hover
179. Number: 7
180. Cereal: I dunno what its called, its got like oats and corn flakes in it, lol
181. Comedian: larry the cable guy
182. Dessert: pink bubble gum ice cream or heath bar sundae from goodberry's XD
183. Disney character: aladdin
184. Clothing store: salvation army, pacsun, hot topic
185. Past time: going to concerts
186. Teacher: it used to be ms bennet but now she hates me, so prolly mrs whitley and mr rice
187. Childhood toy: stretch arm strong
188. Carnival game/ride: I hate carnivals! j/k, I dunno, thats gravitron thing is pretty fun...?
189. Candy bar: hershey cookies n creme
190. Magazine: relevant
192. Thing to do on the weekend: sleep, be lazy and go to concerts
193. Hot drink: white chocolate mocha from starbucks XD
194. Season: fall
195. Sport to watch: soccer, lol, I've never watched a game of soccer in my life! hehe :)
196. Person to talk to online: random people I've never met, the arlington gys are pretty funny too

Your Bedroom/Sleeping Habits
197. What color are your sheets: right now, they're white with little greyish leaves on them. Normally they are either He-Man, black and white checkered, or my signature lips
198. What color are your bedroom walls: baby blue
199. Do you have posters on your wall: yep yep
200. If so of what: many dif things, mainly just bands that I like, and posters from shows and stuff
202. How many pillows are on your bed: none at the moment, but normally about 10
203. What do you normally sleep in: kyle's boxers and hoodie
205. What size bed do you have: twin...?
206. Do you have a waterbed/bunkbed/daybed: nope, just a normal ordinary bed
207. Do you have your own phone line in your bedroom: yeah, but it picks and chooses when it wants to work
209. Describe the last nightmare you had: I dont remember
210. Do you sleep with stuffed animals: yep yep, latley since I havent made up my bed, I only have one.... my white teddy bear with the hearts on his feet and the pink ribbon around his neck... I forgot what I named him... oops! XD
211. How many people can comfortably sleep in your bed: 3 or 4, if it involves me and shaina, we always find a way, LOL
212. Do you sleep in any unusual positions: I sleep on my side, either curcled up in a ball, or really stretched out
213. Do you have to share your bedroom with a sibling: nope
214. Do you snore: nope
215. How about drool: all the time, lol
216. Do you have an alarm clock in your room: I have 2 so that they'll wake me up, but I usually forget to set them, or they jsut dont wake me up ne way, lol
217. What color is the carpet in your room: I have wood floors, and a big white carpet, a little pink one that matches my comforter and my bathroom, a set of lips that match the pink one, and a little zebra one that Snickers used to sleep on.

This or that
219. loser/wannabe: loser
220. Doughnuts/bagels: bagels
221. Day/night: night
222. Wicked witch of the east/wicked witch of the west: east
223. Heaven/hell: heaven
224. Make love/have sex: make love
225. Coffee/tea: coffee
226. Hamburgers/hotdogs: neither
227. Rap/rock: rock
228. Britney/Christina: christina
234. McDonalds/Taco Bell: taco bell
236. Punk/emo: emo
237. Hot/cold: cold
238. Winter/summer: winter
239. Spring/fall: fall
240. Operas/plays: plays
241. Read/watch tv: watch tv
242. Cd's/tapes: cds
243. Dvd's/vhs: dvds
244. Old/new: old
245. Shorts/skirts: skirts
246. Pink/red: pink
247. Colored pictures/black and white photos: black and white
248. Meat/vegetables: vegetables
249. Mexican food/chinese food: chinese
250. Commercials/infomercials: commercials
251. Scary movies/comedies: comedies
252. Bikinis/one piece bathing suits: neither

Have You Ever....
331. Mooned anyone: yep
332. Been on a diet: not officially
333. Been to a foreign country: nope
334. Broken a bone: collar bone
335. Swallowed a toothcap/filling: nope
336. Swear at a teacher: in middle school, I cused at my spanish teacher.... I hated that woman!
337. Talked to an LJ member via e-mails or instant messages: not lj
338. Got in a fight: only with family and friends
339. Dated a teacher: ewww
340. Laughed so hard you peed your pants: lol, probably
341. Thought about killing your enemy: sure
342. Gone skinny dipping: yep
343. Met another LJ member in the flesh: nope
344. Told a little white lie: of course
345. Told a secret you swore not to tell: nope
346. Stolen anything: probably
347. Misused a swear word and it sounded absolutely stupid: lol, all the time
348. Been on TV: I dunno
349. Been on the radio: dont think so
350. Been in a mosh pit: YEP YEP!!!
351. Been to a concert: DUH!
352. Dated one of your best friends: not officially
353. Loved someone so much it makes you cry: yep yep
354. Deceived somebody close to you: yep yep
355. Broken the law: duh
356. Been to a rodeo: yep yep
357. Been on a talk show: nope
358. Been on a game show: nope
359. Been on an airplane: nope
360. Got to ride on a firetruck: I think so
361. Came close to dying: all the time
363. Gave someone a piggy back ride: lol, slade
364. Terrorized a babysitter: my babysitter was my cousin, and I was a little angel back then, so no
365. Made a mud pie: yep and I made this kid at day care eat it, hehe XD
366. Had a dream that you're falling off a cliff: yep, once
367. Snuck out of the house at night: not really
368. Been so drunk you don't remember your name: if they had asked me my name, I prolly wouldnt have known.....but I dont remember what happened, so, yeah
369. Had an eating disorder: nope
370. Felt like you didn't belong: all the time
371. Felt like the 3rd wheel: of course
372. Smoked: yep yep
373. Done drugs: yep yep
374. Been arrested: nope
375. Had your tonsils removed: nope
376. Gone to camp: yep yep
377. Won a bet: yep yep
378. Written a love letter: in middle school, I used to do it all the time.... ahh.... those were the days
379. Gone out of your way to be with the one you love: yep yep
380. Written a love poem: duh
381. Kissed in the rain: no, but this one time, it was REALLY cold and we both got sick.
382. Slow danced with someone you love: nope, the only dude I remember slow dancing with was stephen's friend in 6th grade, and his name was like cameron or something.... I remember I thought he was cute, but thats about it
383. Participated in cyber sex: probably, I used to be a freak, lol
384. Faked an orgasm: never needed to (dont take that the wrong way)
385. Stolen a kiss: nope, they always steal them from me
386. Asked a friend for relationship advice: yep, then I ended up hookin up with him, and yeah, it was a big mess
387. Had a friend steal your bf/gf: technically, no
388. Watched the sunset/rise with someone you love: nope, oh wait, yeah, Shaina at Savannah, cuz I love Shaina, lol
389. Gotten a speeding ticket: nope XD
390. Done jail time: nope
391. Had to wear a uniform to work: nope
392. Won a trophy: not by myslef, my dance team won alot of them
393. Thrown up in public: lol, graduation after party...
394. Bowled a perfect game: yeah right
395. Failed/got held back: nope
396. Got perfect attendance in grade school: yeah right
397. Roasted pumpkin seeds: yep yep, me and danny used to do it all the time! Those things were GOOD!
398. Taken ballet lessons: yep yep

Childhood Stuff
401. Did you play with Barbies: I used to rip their limbs off and play joan of arc XD
402. Did you own Treasure Trolls: yep yep
403. Did you watch Beverly Hills 90210: nope
404. Did you play Simon Says: yeah, I suck at it
405. Did you watch Fraggle Rock: I dont think so, no
406. Did you wet the bed: of course, it was too much effort to get up and walk to the potty, lol
407. Did you believe there were monsters in your closet: still do
408. Did you wear the underwear with the days of the week on them: nope
409. Were you shy: yep, surprisingly
410. Were you spoiled: I was daddy's little girl, btu i wasnt really
411. Were you abused: nope
412. Did you go to the circus: yep, and I remember I spilled my slushie and my daddy got mad, so i didnt have much fun, and all I remember is cryin the whole time, but tryin not to show it cuz I didnt want him to know that he hurt my feelings
413. Did you go to the zoo: bunches
414. Were you in a car accident: nope
415. Did you build snowmen: tried to, it didnt really work though
416. Did you cry when you scraped your knee: all the time
417. Were your older cousins mean to you: no
418. Did you think slinkies were cool: DUH!
419. Did you think the Ninja Turtles really lived in the sewer: yep yep, and I thought turtles really ate pizza.... RIP Speedy, lol
420. Were you afraid of the dark: yep yep, still am sometimes
421. Did you have slumber parties: not really, I always has guy friends, not girl friends
422. Did you have New Kids On The Block sheets, curtains, sleeping bags, dolls and pajamas: nope, but I had the trading cards, lol
423. Did you tease your hair out like Tiffany: nope
424. Did you believe in the Easter Bunny/Santa Claus/ and the Tooth Fairy: all of the above

425. Do you believe in aliens: nope
426. Name three things that are next to your computer: lil stewy, blindside cd, lamp
427. Do you have any hidden talents: not really
428. Do you wish MTV would play music videos: no, I wish theyd quite makin my bands popular though
429. If you were to star in a movie, what kind of movie would it be: romantic comedy
431. Do you play any sports: yeah right
432. What's the scariest movie you've ever seen: at the time, it was the sixth sense
433. What is the best movie you've seen in the theater or rented recently: the notebook
434. What is the dumbest movie you've ever seen: dumb and dumberer
435. Do you drive: yep yep
436. What is your dream car: 98 silver mustang black top convert with white leather interior, lol
437. Do you think you're good looking: yeah right
438. Do others think you are good looking: they say so, but I never believe them
439. Would you ever sky dive: nope
440. Do you believe in Bigfoot: nope
441. How many rooms do you have in your house: 12
442. Are you afraid of roller coasters: sometimes
443. Do you believe in God: yep
444. Do you believe in Satan: yep
445. Do you believe there is a heaven: yep
446. Do you believe there is a hell: yep
447. Do you own a pooltable: nope
448. Do you have a pool: nope
449. Do you have a dishwasher in your kitchen: yep
450. Do you like chocolate: white chocolates better
451. Who is on your calandar: WTF question mark LOL
452. How many U.S. states have you been to: 8...?
453. Ever wished on a shooting star: nope
454. Best Halloween costume you ever wore: I was a cheerleader, LOL
455. Do you carry any weapons on you: not unless I snatch josh or seth's knife
456. What is your weakness: emo
457. Name something you can't get enough of: love
458. Describe yourself in 3 adjectives: emo, bitchy, flirt
459. How many kids do you want to have: 2
460. Future daughters names: dannie, frankie
461. Future sons names: landon, everett, emitt, evan
462. What is your ideal way to die: quick and painlessly
463. How do you release stress: smoke, cut, yell, punch things, throw things, scream, listen to music, write, mosh
464. Do you consider yourself a trendy person: yeah right
465. Are you an artistic person: in my own little way
466. Are you a realistic person?: on the outside I may look that way, but on the inside I have unachievable goals
467. Do you un-tie your shoes every time you take them off: riiiight
468. Are you a strong person: nope
469. Are you a strong willed person: occasionally
470. Who is the last person to e-mail you: ryan
471. Who is the last person to IM you: robby
472. Do you hate chain e-mails: not really
473. Are you a deep sleeper: at home, yes, when I'm ne where else, no
474. Are you a good story teller: I sau like too much (thanx alot MIKE)
475. What do you believe is your best quality: none of the above
476. What is your greatest accomplishment: none of the above
477. Do you like to burn candles or incense: yep yep
478. Do you do yoga: yep yep
479. Do you have your own credit card: I have an angel card, thats it
480. Let's say you win the lotto: Id pay someone to make a machine to brainwash everyone into thinkin I'm the coolest person in the world
481. Do you have a check book: nope
482. Do you like your drivers licence: sure
483. Do you tan easily: yeah right
484. What color is your hair naturally: brown
485. How many fillings do you have: ummm, I dont even know ne more
486. How many cavities did you have at your last dentist visit? like 50
487. Worst feeling in the world? lonliness
488. Best feeling in the world: true love, if there is such a thing
489. Is the glass half empty or half full: half empty
490. Last thing you downloaded: clay walker "I cant sleep"
491. Do you catch yourself using online terms in your real life?: umm, today I started sayin "w t f question mark" grrr
492. What do you think people think of you: what a poser
493. Are you a likeable person: sometimes
494. Do you need therapy: everyone does
495. Do you take medication for a chemical imbalance: no, but I should
496. What's the best way to be proposed to: ne way as long as its meaningful and took much thought
497. If Fed Ex and UPS were to merge would they call it FED UP: yep
499. When are you moving: I dunno, prolly when I get out of cresset
500. What's your favorite phrase: fuck-nut and loser

Posted by punk4/last2right at 11:17 PM EDT
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Thursday, 19 August 2004

I dont want to come back to this place I dont want to come back to this place I dont want to come back to this place I dont want t
o come back to this place I dont want to come back to this place I dont want to come back to this place I dont want to come back t
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o this place I dont want to come back to this place I dont want to come back to this place I dont want to come back to this place

Posted by punk4/last2right at 8:05 PM EDT
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Monday, 16 August 2004

You Know You're From NC If...
The WeatherPixie

~ mean that its me...

* You know Pepsi originated in New Bern, Cheerwine in Salisbury, and that Mountain Dew was invented in Lumberton.
~ * You know Coke tastes better in the little bottles and that peanuts make Coke taste even better.
* You have an opinion about UNC. You went there and loved it, or you hate everyone who did.
* Your folks have taken trips to the mountains to look at leaves.
* Your school took a field trip to the State Fair in Raleigh.
~ * You would elect Richard Petty or Ric Flair for governor if either ever ran.
~ * You watched as Dale Earnhardt was the only man who ever lived who could go 200 mph, spin somebody out, call them a you-know-what, and win the race, all in the last lap.
* You skipped school or work to go to Dale Earnhardt’s memorial service.
~ * A tobaggon to you means a knit cap, not a sled.
~ * You sold Krispy Kreme doughnuts for a school or church fundraiser
before those glazed doughnuts went global.
* When you're traveling out of state, people ask if you're from Mayberry.
~ * You remember watching the ACC Tournament on television at school.
* The local newspaper covers state, national and international news
in one page, but sports requires six pages.
~ * Most men in town consider the first day of deer season a national holiday.
~ * Fifty degrees Fahrenheit is “a little chilly.”
* You have no problem spelling or pronouncing “Conetoe” or “Topsail.”
* Your school classes were canceled because of cold.
* Your school classes were canceled because of heat.
~ * Your idea of a traffic jam is ten cars waitin’ to pass a tractor on the highway.
~ * Your school classes were canceled because of a hurricane.
* Your school classes were canceled because of hunting season.
Your school classes were canceled because of a livestock show.
* You’ve ridden the school bus for an hour...each way.
~ * You know more about ACC basketball than professional basketball.
~ * You know the Carolina League is the greatest baseball league in the country.
~ * You think South Carolina was dead weight well shed.
~ * You know tea is served sweet unless you specifically ask for unsweetened.
~ * You’ve ever had to switch from “Heat” to “A/C” in the same day.
* You think ethanol makes your truck run a lot better.
* Stores don’t have bags...they have sacks and are called Piggly Wigglys.
* You see people wearing bib overalls at funerals.
~ * You see a car running in the parking lot at the store with no one in it, no matter what time of the year.
~ * Most of the festivals around the state are named after a fruit, vegetable or tobacco.
* Priming was your first job...and you know what it means.
* Your idea of a really great tenderloin is when the meat is twice as big as the bun and comes with cole slaw on top.
~ * You say catty-wampus, yunto, ill-ass and ah-ite.
~ * You know the difference between a deer dog, a bear dog and a coon dog by the way they bark.
~ * You put security lights on your house and your garage and leave both of them unlocked.
~ * Your four seasons are almost summer, summer, still summer, and highway construction.
~ * You can tell if another North Carolinian is from Eastern or Western North Carolina as soon as he opens his mouth.
~ * You can spell words such as Ocracoke, Fuquay-Varina and Chocowinity.
~ * When asked how your trip to any foreign, exotic place was you say, “It was different.”
* Hyde County is considered a foreign or exotic place.
* In the Piedmont, you see all the grown-ups go out and play in the snow.
~ * Schools and churches hold barbecue fundraisers with banana puddin’ as the dessert.
~ * Your folks would rather eat at Bojangles’s than McDonald’s.
~ * You have actually uttered the phrase, “It’s too hot to go to the pool.”
* You consider being a “Pork Queen” an honor.
~ * You carry jumper cables in your car.
~ * You faithfully drink Pepsi or Mt. Dew every day of your life.
~~~~~~~~~~~ * You know what “cow tipping” is.
* You have your own secret BBQ sauce.
* You or your neighbors have more hunting dogs than you have family members.
* “You show this to some NC friends ‘cuz ya know it’s true, darlin.’.

Posted by punk4/last2right at 8:25 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, 16 August 2004 8:46 PM EDT
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