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Laine's Web Page

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This is Laine Halverson's web page. I was born in Austin, MN, but I have lived in St. Ansgar, IA all my life. My birthday is November 22 and I am currently 15. I go to school in Lyle, MN, I just started this year and before that I went to St. Ansgar. I have two sisters, Brandi and Kari, but I just live with my mom and dad. My mom's name is Ladeena Halverson and my dad's name is Kenneth Halverson. They both work at Hormel in Austin, MN. My dad works in the factory and my mom works in the corporate office.

Kari is 18 years old and lives in Fredrickburg, IA. She is currently living with her boyfriend and works as a telemarketer. She will be 19 on January 6, 2003. She mostly works and justs hangs out with friends. I don't see her very often, but when I get the chance I do.

Brandi is my oldest sister. She is 21 and lives on Vancuver Island in Canada. She is currently living with my grandma. And will be 22 on April 5, 2003. Her life consists of going to collage and work. She is going to be a nurse, she has 2 1/2 years left. Right now she works as a waitress, which isn't her favorite thing to do. She's been waitressing for a couple years now.

I live outside of Otranto. We live on the Cedar River and remodeled our house. We started on it about 3-4 years ago. It's not totally finished, but it's livable. We did most of it ourselves with some help from friends. On the main floor is our living room, dining room, kitchen, and a small restroom, it's all very open with plenty of windows . Upstairs is all my parents bedroom. They have a bathroom, and 3 walk-in closets. The basement is where I live. It has 3 bedrooms, our bathroom and laundry. So it's nice that I'm the only one staying down there.

My favorite thing to do is just hang out with my friends. I usually go to Austin, Mason City, Clear Lake and Albert Lea. Most of my friends live in bigger towns. One of my closest friends lives in Austin. He name is Jenny Hatfield. She is fourteen and goes to Lyle school. She went to Austin High the first part of the year, but ended up transfering.

Nathan and Noah Jeunger are the friends that live by me, about 7 miles away. They are like my best friends ever, I have grown up with them for as long as I can remember. They are 18 year old twins. Toleka, their sister, moved to Detroit about a year ago. I was pretty close to her too. She moved down there with her boyfriend and I talk to her occasionally. She was up here last April visiting. They also have a bother, Donnie and a sister, Eleana. And there is a memory of their mom, Marie below. Donnie lives in Carpenter with his girlfriend, Brandy. Eleana lives in Austin, MN, with her boyfriend and two kids.

Erin and Andrew Buringrud are also very close to me. They are some of my other life long friends. Although, about a year ago Andrew moved to Washington and is now living in California with his mom, Susan, his brother, Cole, and his grandma. Erin moved to Florida with her dad, Mark. I haven't seen them for a couple of years, but I still miss them. Erin and I still write to each other, and e-mail. Hopefully she will get up here some day to visit. Click hereto visit Marie's web page.

I used to really be into wrestling, WWF. I'm not so much anymore because everything changed. Even the name, it's now WWE. But I still love Stone Cold Steve Austin. He's my favorite wrestler and always will be. Clickhereto see Stone Cold's web page.

My favorite kind of music is rap. I listen to all different kinds of music though. Some of my favorite artists are SPM,Tupac, andEminem. There are a lot of others, but those are my three favorite. It tells a little bit about each of them below.