So you're one of the few who've been able to find my online lair. Good job! Many have tried and failed miserably. You're mission - battle the devious demons roaming deep within my mind. If you fail, all's not lost, there's still other shit to do...just try not to fuck anything up to much. For those of you with a lower IQ, yes, this page is still under heavy construction with all the revamping, moving, and any other excuse I'm allowed to use as an excuse for this site not being done. Why? My realm, not yours. Now get the fuck out of here and begin wandering already....I'm tired of rambeling for your amusement.

~~~~~~ UPDATES ~~~~~~
Okay, okay, so maybe I've been slacking on the updates. Slacking? HA! So I really haven't had time to give a shit about this thing, so maybe I'll get around to doing the damn updates. Whee! Here we go!

Last updated : July 1, 2004

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Kaosika's Realm